Till Death Do Us Part

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Odette, (y/n) new maid helps her to get ready for the wedding ceremony. Odette seems extremely nervous, her hands were shaking while tying the corset little did she know (y/n) see how nervous she is through the reflection of the mirror. "Calm down Odette, you're doing fine." The Queen smiled to her, Odette took a glimpse of the queen reflection she nods and smiled back to her. After she's done tying the corset she helps the Queen to put on the wedding dress and did her hair. While Odette were busy doing the Queen's hair, there's a knock on the door. "Come in." (y/n) said, she look to the mirror and it was Lady Catelyn she brought something with her.

"Your grace, can I have moment with you?" Lady Catelyn asked, (y/n) then asked Odette to leave the chambers so that she can have a private talk with her soon mother in law. "I got something for you, your grace." She took a sit besides (y/n) before handing the gift to the Queen. "Please, mother just call me (y/n)" (y/n) smile to Lady Catelyn, she looks a little bit awkward when she address (y/n) your grace.

"What is it?" (y/n) asked Lady Catelyn, she insisted the Queen to look upon the gift by herself. (y/n) unfolds the red cloth revealing a beautiful bracelet.

 (y/n) unfolds the red cloth revealing a beautiful bracelet

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"It's beautiful...thank you." The Queen give her a quick warm embrace, before Lady Catelyn help her to put it on. After a small chit chat Lady Catelyn excuse herself from the chambers, Odette came in right after and quickly doing he Queen's hair.

Nieven is the officiant for the royal marriage, while Ser Vaeril will walk with (y/n) through the aisle. Robb confidently stands at the altar waiting for his bride, he looks to the guest there was Lord Bolton his bannerman, Lady Auriel one of the Queens guard, the wise men from Lockhart, the elite knight, the lords from the north and of course the people of Lockhart Kingdom. The big door were slowly open by the guards revealing (y/n) in extremely beautiful wedding dress and to her side is Ser Vaeril.

 The big door were slowly open by the guards revealing (y/n) in extremely beautiful wedding dress and to her side is Ser Vaeril

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When he saw his soon to be wife, his hearts race he couldn't hold his emotion when he saw her walk across the aisle gracefully. Thinking how lucky he is to be married to such a wonderful Queen, then somehow he remembers his dad and her father King Gaelin if its not because of both of them none of this would happened. Now both of them are gone which made it seems a bittersweet moment for him, how wish his father and her father could witnessed the wedding. Those thoughts got Robb emotional, he shed a tear and quickly wiped it but somehow the emotion are stronger than his ego.  Nieven smiled to the King in the North, he then took a napkin from his pocket then offered to Robb. Robb wiped his tears quickly hoping that (y/n) didn't see it, but it was too late for that since (y/n) already sees it and Robb's expression already speaks out loud how much this man loves her.

Ser Vaeril with his heavy heart letting go off (y/n)'s hands, it must be hurt for someone that deeply in love with a person that didn't love him back. He took the Queen's hands and put it to Robb's hand. (y/n) gave Ser Vaeril a small nod, then she drift his attention towards her husband to be.  Nieven leads the ceremony, asking the groom to cloak the bride to give her his protection in eyes of people and gods: maiden, warrior, mother, crone, and others. "You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." Said Sir Nieven. "We stand here in the sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and wife: one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever." Robb and (y/n) holds hands, standing side by side, as Sir Nieven literally ties their joined hands. The ribbon symbolizes their union. He also says "Let it be known that (y/n) of House Vrotheris and Robb of House Stark are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder."

"In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words." Robb and (y/n) recite their vows, speaking simultaneously. First, they say the names of the Seven, in whose sight they are the wedding: "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger..." Then they recite their vows, Robb says "I am hers and she is mine. From this day, until the end of my days," while (y/n) says "I am his and he is mine. From this day, until the end of my days." Then as for honouring the Vrotheris tradition,  Nieven asked the couple to exchange the wedding ring. Barrin then steps forward with the wedding ring and handed it to  Nieven, Robb then took the ring from the case then gently placed the ring to (y/n)'s ring finger, then (y/n) also did the same.

 Barrin then steps forward with the wedding ring and handed it to  Nieven, Robb then took the ring from the case then gently placed the ring to (y/n)'s ring finger, then (y/n) also did the same

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After the vows, Robb proudly says "With this kiss, I pledge my love," and kisses the bride. The kiss was sweet and gentle, soon they heard the guest cheering for the newlywed. "King and Queen in the North!" Said the northern guest. "King and Queen of Lockhart!" Cheer the Lockhart people, soon they heard all of them cheering for them all together.

Later that night...

The wedding feast were fun, the northerner respect the Lockhart's tradition where they will witnessed the newlywed to have their first dance. Robb took (y/n) hands in his and guiding her to the centre of the ballroom "Are you nervous?" (y/n) asked her husband, Robb smile shyly she knew that Robb are nervous, since he's not familiar with this tradition, he only have 5 days to practice the dance and he hopes that he didn't messed up. "I hope my feet won't fail me." He said before pulling (y/n) close to his body, he leads the dance he slowly move and (y/n) body follow his leads.

All eyes are on them, Lady Catelyn couldn't stop smiling seeing his son happily married to his loved one, after almost one year they been apart. Then she saw Lord Bolton excuse himself and exit by the back door, which seems a bit odd for her. After a quite some time the dance finally come to an end, and the music starts to play something more fun and fast. "Lady Catelyn, may I have this dance with you?" asked Nieven, she politely nod and took Nieven hands before moving towards the centre where all the people having their fun dancing with their partner.

That night (y/n) and Robb share their first night as husband and wife, it was the happiest day of their life after so many difficulties came to their life. (y/n) lay her head on top of Robb's chest, the warmth and intoxicating masculine scent of his body makes (y/n) gone crazy. "You still wear it." (y/n) trace the pendant that Robb wear, it was her pendant until she gave it to him. "Of course, it's the only thing that I have that remind me of you after you leave and this pendant made me strong knowing that I will always fight every circumstances ahead so that I can be with you, fight for you, for our family and the people." With that Robb kiss the top of her head. She lifted her head to look into his husband beautiful eyes as she play with the curls of her husband hair. "It was quite the wait, glad that you were okay and wait for me.."

Robb tuck (Y/n) beautiful (y/h/c) hair to her ear, his finger then slowly tracing his wife sweet angelic face before stop at her chin. "Even if it took a hundreds year, I will wait for you." He gazed into her eyes, as he starts to lean in. Robb give her a loving kiss, after a while Robb pulled away he then brought his forehead closer to her as he then put both of his hands to each side of her cheeks. "I love you so much (y/n), I promised that I will never leave you, promise that I will protect you even if I have to hurt myself....till death do us part."

"Till death do us part." (Y/n) says, somehow her voice cracked when she said it..

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