The Queens and The Beasts

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"The King in the North....Queen of Death. They win and took Riverrun under them, they took Winterfell back, they rule the North and Lockhart all together......" Danaerys talks to herself as she watched her dragons flying on the sky through the window from her chambers. "Tell me more about the Queen of Death, Tyrion." Danaerys says as she walk to the mini table and pour some wine to the goblet and invite Tyrion to sit with her. "(y/n) Vrotheris, daughter of late King Gaelin of Lockhart Kingdom, House Vrotheris. The Vrotheris are known for their advanced weaponry, armory, they have a special troops called the elite knight, the Vrotheris are master of war strategies and a powerful allies your grace. I believe the Queen wields various types of power, she is a warrior herself" Tyrion said. Danaerys feels threaten by the story, according to what Tyrion story, she knows that (y/n) are way more powerful than her, yes she has a dragon but if the Queen herself wields such great power even her dragons couldn't win the war. "Is that true? Or it is just a rumor?" Danaerys asked, she really hopes that it was all the made up story. "I believe it is true. They call her Queen of Death not for nothing. She was dead once but she rise back the next morning. My family hates The Vrotheris they tried to kill her twice but yet she still alive, fight for what she think is right with her husband King Robb Stark... Your grace, you're not the only one has dragon. (y/n) has her own dragon to add that they has thousands of griffins. They chose Griffin as their sigil not because it was just for the looks it's because the griffins are real.....courage, leadership, intelligence and strength that's the sigil means and they are representing it." Tyrion tells Queen Danaerys all he knows about Lockhart's Kingdom, and Queen (y/n).

"Well I think I should get rid of her myself." Danaerys arrogantly speaks, she then sip her remaining wine that still left in the goblet. Tryrion then pour some more to her goblet. "It's not wise to seek war with a potential alliance. The Stark and The Vrotheris hates my family, they are no threat to you, your grace." Tyrion advice, he didn't want any war between House Targeryen, House Vrotheris and House Stark. Danaerys just stay silent for a while, she took the scroll that she just read and reread the handwritten letter by the King in the north. Robb did mention that they will send their representative named Jon Snow, Lord Davos,  Nieven and five of Lockhart's elite knights to Dragonstone. "Then I welcome them to Dragonstone." Said Danaerys.

Arya were busy practicing with Lady Brienne when she heard a beastly growls from the sky. Then she saw all the Lockhart's knights together with Lady Auriel running to the big gate. Then she heard approximately 100 thousands of horse galloping down the field. Arya, Lady Brienne and Podrick ran to the big gate to join the others, and that's the moment where she saw an enormous dragon flying in the sky, while a thousands of griffin flying side by side with the dragon and all of them has a rider. Lady Auriel smile proudly to them, Ser Vaeril finally make it.

Lady Catelyn and Sansa saw it all 100 thousands of Lockhart knights, a dragon that flying in the sky and thousands of griffins. (y/n) and Robb walk out from the castle, she look up in the sky and there she saw Ser Vaeril riding Dezeo followed by her thousand and thousands of elite knight riding the griffins. Then she look to the field where the rest of her knights proudly riding the horses with their flag on it. The Dragon landed on the Winterfell field, from distant she saw Ser Vaeril slowly dismounted from the dragon before climbing up to his personal griffin then rides to greets you.

Robb were in awed when he saw the Lockhart's knights, then he saw the dragon and the griffins. He then saw Ser Vaeril with his griffin to greets (y/n). "What took you so long?" (y/n) asked Ser Vaeril, he explained that there's a some issues that he must do first before leaving the Lockhart.

That night they had a feast celebrating the winning war against the Boltons and welcoming Ser Vaeril and the other troops to Winterfell. The feast were fun, the Lockhart and the Northerner relationship are great, they treat each other just like a family and that's what the both King and Queen wants. "Jon never attend any feast if my mother are present." Robb says to his wife, he saw Jon were having his fun drinking and chats with Tormund and others while Lady Catelyn were talking to Sansa. "I think your mother starts to love him." (y/n) comment, then she saw Lady Catelyn walk towards Jon and talk to him. After exchanging few words, Lady Catelyn hug Jon which he gladly hug her back it stays for a while before Lady Catelyn gave him a sweet smile and walk towards Arya and Lady Brienne.

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