We chose to be free.

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His heart were beating fast, he look at the door of the throne room it was engraved with griffins symbol and it was made out of gold. The guards open the door for him, and from this distance he can see the King and Queen sitting on their throne waiting for his arrival. Tyrion slowly steps forward to greet the King and Queen of Lockhart, his hair were messed same goes to his beard, and his tunic were dirty. "Your grace." He said as he bow down to the couple. "Lord Tyrion...Jon did sent me a raven announcing your arrival to Lockhart." Robb said as he gesture Tyrion to stand. "Indeed."

"What's your purpose to visit Lockhart?" Robb asked him again. "I was banished from Kings Landing by Danaerys. I've decided to start my new life and the first place that came through my mind is Lockhart and Winterfell." He explained to the King and Queen. "And I'm surprise she didn't let her beloved dragon to turn you into ashes." (Y/n) replied. "Tyrion turn to look at the Queen of Death and says "I'm surprised she spare my life."

(y/n) slowly make her way to approach Tyrion, she then walked around Tyrion. "You didn't answer your King's first question. Why are you here?" She question him. Her long trail black dress sweeps the shiny floor of the throne room, her intoxicating scent, and the sounds of her beautiful pair of heels clicking made him so nervous to answer. He didn't want to mess his opportunities to live and serve the new King and Queen. He clears his throat and try to maintain his relax tone as he says "I saw what Danaerys did towards people in King's Landing, children were burnt, the innocent....all of them were burnt. Such cruelty, I cannot tolerate and I can't serve someone that are thirst for power and blood...I came here to start a new life, with a ruler that I can trust, rely on and a ruler that are wise, kind and loving to people. Your grace, both of you have those qualities and I'm here with all the knowledge that I have I'm ready to serve as one of your humble advisor." Tyrion said. 

(y/n) steps stop, she look at Tyrion then her husband. "We have enough advisor here, an actual advisor that we can trust." She said as she slowly make her way to sit back on her throne. She then nod to Vaeril that were standing at the side to usher Lord Tyrion out from the room. But before Vaeril could touch his shoulder Tyrion speaks again and says "I know Danaerys wants to start a war to conquer and liberate all cities in Westeros. I know both of you try your best to protect your kingdom from her quest. I know the way she thinks and act...so please give me a chance, I learned my mistakes and I'm here to fixed it. Both of you wanted to live in peace and harmony, and I do too but Danaerys? She didn't think about others, she believed that only her can make the world better no matter what the cost. Your grace, I admitted that I serve wrong Queen. Please give me a chance, your grace." He said once again as he desperately look at Robb and (y/n) in the eyes.

(y/n) look at Robb and she slightly nod to her husband. "Very well. Lord Tyrion you are welcome to stay, eat, and live as one of our people. Vaeril will show you where you will stay." Robb said, he then asked Vaeril to usher him to his new place to stay. "Tyrion..." The Queen calls him. He immediately turn to look at the Queen. "Yes your grace?" He said. "Meet us in the council room at 9 in the morning. Do not be late." She said to Tyrion, this made him couldn't help but to smile and nod his head. "I will, your grace." He said as he slightly bow to the Queen and King before excuse himself. This was his first time seeing the Queen to smile again ever since the war at King's Landing, Queen (y/n) indeed have a beautiful smile and such a warm loving person behind all those strong powerful aura.

Meanwhile in King's Landing...

"I heard that Tyrion now serve your brother." Danaerys spoke as her gaze were focused on the field where the unsullied train. Jon turn to look at her and confirms it. "Aye." Danaerys nod and asked Jon "Any words from your brother and his wife?" She said as she look at Jon. "No Dani." Jon said. Danaerys took a deep breath try to calm herself down, for her Robb and (y/n) are selfish and stubborn. Soon they were disturbed by one of her new advisor announcing that there's a raven from Lockhart with Vrotheris sigil on it. Danaerys thanks him before reading the letter, she break the wax seal and read the letter silently. When she's done, her facial expression change she looks mad. She bites her lips hard as she slowly scrunch the paper in her hand. "Dani, what's the matter?" Jon carefully ask her.

Danaerys turn to look at Jon and handed him the letter without any words before leaving him alone. Jon took the letter and smoothen the paper out so he could read whatever the content might be that made her mad. The letter says that Lockhart and the North officially announced that they are not their allies anymore and they made an final statement that they will remain being an independent Kingdom. "Oh Robb what have you done..." Jon sighed. The letter were both signed by the King and Queen and for Jon those act just make everything worst. 


Sansa received the letter from Lockhart, and that letter made her smile showing how happy she is that Robb and (y/n) finally officially made the announcement of this. For her this is the new beginning and hope for Winterfell, because her homeland once was under the House Baratheon rule and now it is the time for Winterfell to finally own their freedom by being the independent kingdom they always been for thousand years. Her thoughts disturbed by a knock on the door. "Come in" she said. It was Arya, she closed the door and came forward and stand just a couple of meters from where Sansa sit. "You called me, what is it?" Sansa gave her a bright smile, Arya find it odd for Sansa to look this happy. For what she remembers, Sansa always seems so disturbed by her own thoughts. "Read this." Sansa said as she handed the letter to her sister. Arya took it from her hand and read it silently, after a moment she crack a smile. "Finally." She said as she step closer to Sansa to embrace her. There's a stray tear of happiness rolling down  on Arya's cheeks.


Queen (y/n) and Tyrion were at the balcony watching the knights training under Vaeril command,. King Robb were there too, supervising their men ."It's been 3 days since we sent the raven to King's Landing, she must have read it." Tyrion decided to break the silence. He was wearing 2 small brooch that has House Vrotheris and House Stark sigil. He now has the position as one of the King and Queen's advisor and of course it such a big honour for him to be in that position to advise the benevolent King and the most powerful Queen ever exist. "Of course she did."

Tyrion look up to see the Queen's reaction but somehow he couldn't read what's on her mind. "We must prepare for any attacks your grace." Tyrion continued. (y/n) slowly look at Tyrion and said "She can try." As soon as she said that, there's a strike of lightning bolt just a few meters from the balcony followed by the loud sound of thunder. Queen (y/n) gracefully walks back to the throne room leaving Tyrion alone. Tyrion look up to the sky, he remember that when he was outside with the Queen earlier it was bright sunny days when they watch the soldiers training at the field from the balcony but now the weather change, now the sky were cloudy and dark. "Right, the Queen can manipulate the weather...." He talks to himself.

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