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After 4 days of her father's death, the search for the traitor were finally come to an end. (y/n) sit on the throne, waiting for Ser Vaeril to bring the traitor in. She was busy talking to her Hand Nieven, when suddenly the big door of the throne room are opened by the guards, Ser Vaeril drag the traitor roughly by his shirt, she can't see the man's face. (y/n) dismissed Nieven, before step closer to the traitor. Ser Vaeril aggressively take the sack of cloth from the man's face and to her surprise it was Malrik her late father trusted servant. Her body were shaking holding her temper but she just a human, so she slap Malrik's face hard till it left bruises on his lips. "Why." She holds her tears, she didn't want the man that took her father's life seeing her cry.

"I'm so sorry your grace, forgive me your grace." The man starts to kneel, when (y/n) didn't even bother to look at him, Malrik about to touch the Queen's feet to kiss it and before he does Ser Vaeril yanked him to stand up and distant himself from the Queen. "Don't touch the Queen." Ser Vaeril said sternly to Malrik. "I'm so sorry my Queen I didn't mean it. I thought its...no it was all their ideas.." What he said caught (y/n) attention. "Speak! Do not hesitate to speak, just like you do not hesitate to kill my father." The Queen said to his face. "They said it was just to make him weak.."

(y/n) grew impatient for this man so she asked again. "Who are they?!" That questions leave the man so weak he starts to kneel again, rubbing both of his hands together begging for the Queens mercy. "Please your grace I can't...I can't tell you..they will find me and kill me." Ser Vaeril try his best to hold it together, deep in his mind if there's no law he would just kill this man right at this very moment, he look to Queen signaling that he wanted to get rid of this man but the Queen doesn't give him a sign to do so. " They can't do it if I keep you safe. Now tell me who are these people? If you tell me, I keep you safe and spare your life." Malrik turn to look at Ser Vaeril then back at (y/n), he quietly said "The Lannisters".

3 day after (y/n) leave the Winterfell, the news about Lord Eddard commit treason spread all across the Westeros after the King Roberth death and by that time (y/n) were busy with her late father condition and her other issues. Robb understand that she were busy with the issues and he didn't want to burden her more about his father. She promised Robb to write him when  she's finally home but she didn't, Robb took no offense he understand her duty. Then the next 2 days (y/n) father King Gaelin died because of terrible ill. These unfortunate news seems like being planned by someone, he suspected the Lannister that did the dirty job.

When the news about his father came he and his mother literally try their best to speak about it to the Lannister hoping that they can tolerate it wait for them to come to the court. But instead his father were beheaded in front of crowds in Kings Landing , that send the Starks and the North upset and decided to starts the war between the Lannister and The North.

Rob knows that her beloved fiancé now replacing her late father. She's a Queen of Lockhart now, she have a big duty and burden on her shoulder. She missed her dearly, she missed her warmth, her sweet lavender scent, the smile that melts all heart, the way she scrunch her nose when she aimed the target with her bow only God knows how much she missed her.

Robb Starks lead the rebellion and all the lords and lady from the north are agree to choose Robb Stark as the King in the North which means the north now is an independent kingdom and the news spreads all across the South.

Sir Nieven received a letter from the North with House Starks sigil on the wax that sealed the letter together. "A word from the North your grace."  Nieven handed the letter to (y/n), she took it from his hands and the first thing she saw was the wax that holds the letter together, it was house Stark's sigil. She caress the wax before slowly open the scroll, she took her time to read what it says and she smiled when she reads the last sentence. "Robb Stark, King in the North" She softly speak,  Nieven asked for the letter politely and she gave it to him. Nieven were happy for the North and for her Queen, he knows that this is a good news to them especially to his Queen.

(Y/n) were so happy and proud of her fiancé how strong he is fighting for what's right and she admired and adored all the story that people tell when he defeated the Lannister's army and took Jaime Lannister the Queen Cersei's brother as a prisoner. She knew about his father, she mourned for his father. But it was happened so quickly before she can do anything to help Lord Eddard the next thing she knew Lord Eddard were beheaded in front of the crowds. It was a lot of terrible things happened in a short period of times, after what the Lannisters had done to her father and Lord Eddard she determines to strike and attack the Lannister when it's the right time and she is confident that her fiancé would joined her to avenged their parent's death.

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