The End of Her Reign

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(y/n) pick her long dress up, gracefully walking straight to the castle to find Danaerys. Whe she arrive at the throne room Danaerys were still there she sits elegantly on the throne her face were stone cold, her beautiful violet eyes eyeing (y/n) up and down. "You still here...." Danaerys said, her voice were slow but cold. "I will ride Dezeo tomorrow, together with you guarding our men from the sky." (y/n) explained. Danaerys didn't say anything but instead she just stare at the Queen in the North, she knows that its not the only reason (y/n) stayed. "Anything you want to say to me?"

"The people in the Red Keep are innocent, the children, women and others. Do not harm them, they deserve a better future, they deserve a good ruler that they can rely on. Do not harm them by burning the city down." (y/n) said. When Danaerys heard that she slowly crack a small smile and she shakes her head. "I am Danaerys Stomborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals, and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt and the Breaker of Chains. I will take what is mine. Cersei are the one that gather all the innocent into the Red Keep, whatever happens to them are not my fault." Danaerys said as she stand then slowly make her way to (y/n). She stops when her body were just a 15 inch away from (y/n). (y/n) are much taller than her so she have to look up. "You want people to fear you, so they will bend their knee to you. Kindness is not weakness, real power is giving not taking." (y/n) said then she slowly make her way out of the throne room leaving Danaerys with her own thoughts.

The next day at Kings Landing...

"This is madness, the innocent...." Robb said as he fix his eyes to the big gate of Kings Landing, besides him are Sir Vaeril, Jon Snow and next to Jon is Grey Worm. "Trust our Queen" Grey Worm said. "She's not my queen, the only Queen I know is my wife." Robb protest, he didn't even bother to look at Grey Worm and Jon. Robb's word make Jon question himself, about his loyalty.


From the sky (y/n) can see there was hundreds of ships of Euron Greyjoy's men at the sea guarding King's Landing. Danaerys and Drogon are not that far, from this distance she can see that Danaerys nod her head to (y/n) signalling that it's time to burn all the ships. With that Drogon flew with top speed under Danaerys command and burn the first 3 ships. (y/n) follow after, Dezeo didn't waste any time to burn all the ships that try to shoot them, of course (y/n) did help by throwing a fire ball and command the sea sink to ships.

After all the ships were burn and sunk, (y/n)saw Drogon flew to the guard tower burning it to the ground. (y/n) guide Dezeo to the other side of the tower and burn down all of the threats, and from this distance she can see the people were panicking and desperately running around to find cover. Soon she saw Danaerys guide Drogon to the big gate area and burn it down to give the unsullied, the northerner and the Lockharts excess to take down King's Landing from the ground. After all the guard tower are burnt down, Danaerys were still on Drogon's back and there's no sign of her to stop burning the building. With that she asked Dezeo to fly closer to Drogon so that she can hopefully calm the dragon down and prevent it from burning the city. As Drogon flew closer, Danaerys give (y/n) a warn by asking Drogon to spit a fire just enough for Dezeo to not flew closer to them. (y/n) didn't gave up she guide Dezeo to fly close to Drogon again hoping that she can calm the beast down. Drogon fly with high speed and the beast keep burning the building obeying the Mother of Dragon's order. After quite some time, Dezeo finally find its way to fly closer to Drogon and with that (y/n) screamed "My friend, Drogon! Calm down, you are hurting the innocent lives, enough...Its alright, there's no more harm."

The beast let out a loud growl before flying higher to the sky with Danaerys still on its back. (y/n) then guide Dezeo to the safe ground so that it can  land without harming the others, as soon as she dismounted from Dezeo she ran fast to the centre of now burnt city. Her hearts break when she saw a thousands of burnt bodies on the ground and the worst part is there's a dead mother holding close to her baby. She felt a stray tears running down her cheeks, she walk further more into the city where she found the Lannister's men are already surrender, they dropped all their weapon to the ground. But Grey Worm and his men were about to kill them all, and Jon were there literally look defeated and didn't even bother to stop it. "Stop!" (y/n) screamed which makes Grey Worm command his men to stop.

"They surrender, spare their life." She said, the Lannister's men look at the Queen of Death in the eyes asking for mercy. "They're the Queen's enemy. Your enemy too your grace." Grey Worm spat, Jon look at his sister in law in the eyes. No words came from his mouth but through his eyes enough for her to know that Jon didn't like the idea of Grey Worm to slaughter them all. "I know, they surrender. And I command you to spare their life!" (y/n) said as her hands start to burn, with that Grey Worm asked his men to at ease. "Follow me or you can escape this city and never return, live your life with or without your family, own your freedom because you are free now." She said, Jon look at (y/n) then to the Lannister's men. One of them take off their helmet and bend his knee, soon the rest of the troops did the same.


Robb find his way to enter one of the room in the castle where Cersei and Jaime were hiding, as soon as they saw Robb with his sword on his hand enter the room, Jaime took his sword and asked Cersei to take cover. Before Robb could do anything there's a footstep running through the hall and soon revealing (y/n) and her trusted knight Vaeril. Soon they heard a loud beasty growl outside, Danaerys and Drogon continue to burn the city down without mercy, followed by Dezeo's growl.

"Surrender now Cersei." Robb said as he step closer, Jaime draw his swords to Robb asking him to step away from harming his beloved sister. "Jaime you don't have to do this, surrender now and your life will be spare. Cersei needs you." (y/n) try to negotiate with Jaime hoping that this will end without blood shed in this room. "Brother please, Cersei needs you." Tyrion said, he was out of his breath probably running as quick as he can to find them, to persuade his brother and sister to end this. The castle were shaking and other parts of it were already burt down by Drogon, Cersei were panicking but still she's still with her ego to not let this end by surrendering to King and Queen in the North. "Cersei, none of this will happen if you stay away from my family since the beginning, trust me I don't want the throne, I did this because with you ruling the seven kingdom there's no peace but only fear and suffering . I come here to change that, you caused enough pain to others. Surrender or it will end with death." (y/n) voice were monotone, Tyrion look up to the Queen of Death 's face, she try her best to hold her anger and remain calm. But there is no sign of Cersei will surrender so does Jaime, (y/n) then look at Tyrion in the eyes she knows its painful for him to witness people murder his family but what Tyrion did was indeed a surprise, with his now red eyes, he slowly nods to the Queen while he try his best to hold his tears. He killed his own father because he know how cruel his father is, now he's about to witness his sister and brother kill by others.

Before Robb could disarmed Jaime, he let go of his sword signalling that he's surrender. He look at Cersei, she slowly standing up and steps back to the balcony and now she stand close to the railing. She was crying, while her right hand rest on her now slightly swollen stomach. (y/n) saw it, Cersei is pregnant. "Cersei, it's alright. Fuck the throne, surrender now please. We can live in Casterley Rock and raise the baby together." Jaime try to steps closer but as soon as he did Cersei starts to climb the railing. "And what? Serve that bitch?" she spat. "Watch your mouth!" Vaeril warned Cersei.

"I'd rather die than bend my knee to them." Said Cersei. "You may be cold from the outside but I know who you really are, you are a good mother, you willing to die for your children. The baby needs you..." Tyrion say as he steps closer to Cersei. She was quite for a moment, she was about to step down from the railing when the castle were shaking once more which make she lose her balance, and she fall from this great amount of height to the ground. Jaime were screaming and ran towards the railing but he was seconds late, he look at the ground and there he saw Cersei's lifeless body.

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