The Universe Bring Us Together.

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Later that night Lord Eddard hosted a welcoming feast for King Robert and King Gaelin. Lord Eddard, King Robert and King Gaelin sat at the main table while The Starks and (y/n) sit in the same table while the Lannister across them. Queen Cersei keep looking at (y/n) up and down before finally speak. "You look lovely lady (y/n) but perhaps your attire are too dark for such a happy gathering." She said bluntly then gave (y/n) a smile, Robb didn't say anything though he helps to pull the chair out for her so she can sit comfortably with such a long dress. (y/n) said thanks to Robb before replying Cersei comment. "Perhaps you're afraid of dark your grace" She smiled sarcastically to Queen Cersei. Tyrion couldn't hold his smile when she heard (y/n) reply.

"I still couldn't believe its you." Robb shaking his head before he take his goblet and took a sip of his wine. "Me too Robb, funny how last moon I rebel against my father about this whole betrothal thing. Yet I'm here and to be honest Im glad that it is you instead of a gentleman that I never seen before." (y/n) couldn't hide her smile when she thinks about it again. "What if it's the other Robb?" he asked playfully, he look at (y/n). "I don't know, maybe I don't enjoy his company as much as I with you." She said confidently, Robb realize that how honest she is. "I'm glad its you too (y/n/n)"

Suddenly she heard someone hitting the goblet with a spoon, there she saw her father standing up with a goblet on his right hand. "First, I want to thank Lord Eddard for his hospitality. Second, some of you may not know that or may know that me and Ned have arranged a betrothal between his son Robb to my daughter (y/n). I'm happy that she seems fond of Robb company as far as I observed and oh haha I remember that she complained a lot about it the entire journey but  look at her now....Tonight my daughter (y/n) are officially betrothed to Ned Starks's son Robb. For the date of the marriage, I let both of them to decide with this lets drink to both of them. May you both be blessed with lifelong happiness." King Gaelin raised his goblet so do the others, then all of them took a sip of their wine.

Later that night....

"I knew that you're not just a traveler when the first time I saw you." He said between the night walk. "And why's that? Am I that obvious? " She looks at him questioningly "Your accent, the way you speak and the way you ate. I know how noble acts and how a commoner acts." When he said that she did remember when she ate the dried meat the way she tear the meat into small pieces.. "yes it's a habit, I'm a worst liar I must admit that. " she smiled sheepishly, the weather in the Winterfell are the things that she have to get used to, its much colder during the night, she rub her hands together hoping that it will warm her now cold fingers. She could just use her power to create fire ball but her father always told her to not to show her power for an outsider. Robb saw she rub her hands together, without even having second thoughts he untie his thick fur cloak and wrapped it onto her body. (y/n) smile shyly to Robb because of such gentleman act "Thank you Robb, you're so sweet."

He just gave smile, her chambers are just a few steps away and how he wish he could spend the rest of the night just talk to her and get to know her more but it was really late and he didn't want to make her stayed up late. "Are this my chambers?" She politely asked. "Yes it is." He just stand there don't know what to do. "I do enjoyed your company Robb, and before I forgot here's your cloak." She unties the cloak then handed it to him. Seeing Robb just stand there nervously, she lean closer to Robb and planted a soft kiss on his right cheeks before giving him a sweet smile and bid him goodnight. After (y/n) closed the door, Robb still stands there for a couple of seconds he touches his right cheek just right where (y/n) kiss him, he smiled to himself before walking away to his own chambers. When he got there, he hold his cloak close to his chest as if he's hugging (y/n) and took a sniff, God her scent stayed on his cloak. She smelled like lavender with a hint of sweet orange, which make him relax just by sniffing at it.

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