The Truth

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3 days has passed since the war between the living and the dead, Jon didn't tell anyone about his true identity not even his family, the reason why he did was because Danaerys beg him not to tell anyone about it because she's afraid that the people will turn against her and wanted Jon to be the King to rule the Westeros instead. He was not himself, he can't fully focus on everything he do. Part of him wanted to let Robb and (y/n) knew about this part of him not to for the sake of his love towards Danaerys.

In the council room, Jon were on Danaerys side the entire time which leaves Arya, Sansar and Robb not satisfied and suspect something. His attitude are change almost like he serve the Dragon Queen now instead of his own brother King Robb and his wife Queen (y/n). (y/n) didn't talk much she did present multiple off strategies for the upcoming war to attack Kings Landing but it was all went for nothing since Danaerys insisted that for this last war they should follow her strategies instead. (y/n) didn't take offense of her acts, because in her mind during that time she should give the Dragon Queen a chance to take over the war planning. Her strategies were supported by Tyrion, Jon, Grey Worm and her men. Robb and (y/n) are very tolerant and they finally agreed to it even though, (y/n) know that those strategies are only 2 out of 5 chances win.

As soon as the meeting dismissed, (y/n) stopped Jon from walking out from the council room. "Jon, we need to talk." Jon sighed, he look at Robb then to his other siblings he then gave a slight nod to the Queen. After the meeting they were all gather in the Godswood. Arya couldn't wait any longer so she shot her slightly sensitive question to Jon. "Are you serving her now? Why did you on her side the entire time? Did you forgot that Robb and (y/n) are still the King and Queen in the North?!"

"You understand that we all will be dead if not because of her, we will be corpse that marching down to Kings Landing." Jon replied to Arya with a hint of unsatisfied tone. "(Y/n) who's the one that killed Night King!" Sansar reminded Jon. "And her men gave their live defending Winterfell." Jon replied back still defending Danaerys.

"And we will never forget them. It doesn't mean that I will kneeled to someone." Sansar protest with a hint of mockery at the end of her words. "I swore myself and the North to her caused." Jon defending himself. "I respect that. We needed her, we needed her armies and her dragons. You did the right thing and we're doing the right thing telling you that we don't trust her or should I say your Queen." Arya spoke softly, she then look at Jon intensely then she look at (y/n) then Robb. (y/n) face are cold just like an ice, while Robb clench his jaw holding himself from doing something stupid that might made Jon turn against them entirely.

"You don't know her yet." Jon replied, which sends Robb to say something that maybe knock Jon head off. "I'll never know her, she's not one of us." Jon look at his brother, Robb face were mad serious about this matter. How could Jon trust someone so easily with a short period of time and that's what Robb thought. "If you only chose the people you grew up with, you won't make any allies."

"That's alright we don't need many allies. We are family all of us that stands here in the Godswood." Arya add, supporting what Robb said earlier. "I've never been a Stark." Jon sounded sad when he said that the fact that he been called a bastard of a Ned Starks for all this years really hits him. "You are Jon. You are my brother, our brother. You're not just a bastard of Ned Stark." Robb said as he steps closer to Jon, hoping that he sees and understand that all of them never sees him as an outsider but a family.

Jon looks miserable, it seems that he's hiding something from them and he keep looking at Brann. (y/n) noticed it, the same look for the past 3 days. "Do you have something to tell us Jon?" (y/n) finally speak up after being quiet the entire time. "It's your choice." Brann suddenly talk. What Brann said just now made all of them looking confuse and curios of what Jon was hiding behind their back.

Jon closed his eyes then took a deep mindful breath before he starts to speak. "I need to tell all of you something. But you have to swear, you will never tell another soul." Arya look at him questioningly. "What is it?"

"You have to swear." Jon insisted them to swear. "You have my word brother, all of us." Robb answered. "Tell them." Jon said to Brann, and with that Brann told Robb and the rest about Jon's true identity.

Later that day......

(y/n) was on the big gate area where she can see all the people and enjoy the view from this amount of height. Soon she heard the dragons growling and the sound of heavy wing flapping in the air, she look up and there she saw Danaerys rides one of her dragon while the other dragon following them. (y/n) keep Dezeo far way up in the mountain together with the griffins where some of her men set their camp there too so that way they can keep an eye of the beast to prevent the beast accidently hurts the citizen. While she was enjoying the sight of Danerys's dragon she was interrupted by Tyrion, greeting her. "Your grace.." He said politely greeting the Queen, she look at Tyrion for a seconds then turn her gaze towards the dragons in the sky. "Why her?" there's a sense of dissatisfaction in her tone., These couple of days are different for the Queen in the North because as far as he knows the Queen are always put her smile on but it's a bit different after the great war. She seems bothered by something and he don't know what is it.

"She's a good ruler that we need to inspire..." before Tyrion could finish he was cut off by (y/n) in the middle of his words. "You're afraid of her." (y/n) said, she then look at Tyrion studying his reaction. The way he reacts shows that he's afraid of Danaerys, Tyrion were speechless and enough for (y/n) to know that he is, and what kind of ruler Danaerys is. "A good ruler is someone that you can trust, someone that you can rely on when you are in need, someone that you can truly inspire for what they did and what they shared. Not you following someone just because they forced you to bend your knee and if you don't they will turn you into an ash. As if you are nothing to that what you called a good ruler? Always living in fear instead of peace?" (y/n) confidently speak, she gave him a clear message and the truth. She knows what Danaerys did to the people in Essos and some part of Westeros before she came here both the good and the bad. Yes she totally support her when she prioritize women and children's safety but one thing she can't tolerate is she is mad when it comes to authority.

But still Tyrion didn't say anything but instead he gives a full attention towards (y/n). " I don't want Jon to go down there, I don't want to lose another family member. Enough is enough." When she said that she talks about the late Eddard Starks and her father that been murdered. "Like Jon told me once, he's not a Stark." What Tyrion said left her speechless, she mind her words to not accidently spill Jon's true identity.

"The people love her, you've seen that. You've seen how they fight for her. She wants to make the world a better place, I believe in her.." Tyrion protest, he then slowly bow to (y/n) before stepping back and turn his way to leave (y/n) alone. "But what if there's someone else? Someone better? I'm not talking about me nor Robb." With that Tyrion steps stop, he turn to look at the Queen and ready to listen what the Queen of Death want to tell him.

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