The Big Risk

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"Your grace this is about life and death, please reconsider this matter." Nieven said to (y/n), he was genuinely concerned and thought that the Queen taking a big risk. "This is the only way to prove it, I gave my words to my people and I promise to protect them and this is one of the act. If the Queen not willing to fight then how do you expect my people to trust and fight for me?" She asked Nieven back, he couldn't change the Queens mind, he knew that her Queen are the one that keep her oath, so he weakly nod taking it as final decision. "Barrin, promise me that you will be close to me." She asked her trusted maester. "I will your grace, I will bring it just in time." She nods to Barrin then lastly she speak to Sir Vaeril. "Ser Vaeril, when it happened do not hesitate. Bring along Lady Auriel, don't be suspicious." Ser Vaeril slightly bow signaling that he understood her Queen's order. After a short planning the Queen dismissed the meeting, everyone went to the place that the Queen's been planned.

(Y/n) were standing at the balcony area, enjoying the midnight breeze. "I missed you Robb." She whisper to the air, hoping that the wind will bring the words to her beloved one. She look at the big gate area where the great thorn gate is she remembered that she build it in just one day using her power a day after her father died. 

She remember the last time she practice her power before she leave the Lockhart to Winterfell, the Lockhart knows about her power and only her people know about it. She creates a fire on her palm and form a dancing lady and a man, she imagined it was her and Robb instead. Wonder when is the right time for her and Robb to finally meet and exchanged the vows as promised. Suddenly there's a knock on her chamber's door, and its Abi's voice asking for permission to come in. "Come in." She said, (y/n) still in the balcony playing with her fire creating the dancing couple. "it's it you and Robb?" Abi commented, (y/n) smiled and nods.

"What is it? Shouldn't you be sleeping? It way past your work time." (y/n) clench her fist and the fire stops, she walk to her dressing table and automatically Abi step closer and grab the hair brush that were on the table and starts to brush (y/n) hair to detangled it. Abi saw (y/n) seems concerned about something and she seems really bothered by it. "What bothers you (y/n)" Abi asked while brushing (y/n) hair, she glanced to the mirror where she can see (y/n) reflection. She gave Abi a weak smile, and slightly shakes her heads. "I missed Robb, and all the things that happened now stressing me out. Being a Queen are not easy as I thought. Sometimes all these problems made me feels so tired, sometimes I cant even sleep." Abi just nod and she suddenly remember something.

"I'm sorry (y/n) I almost forgot, the maester told me that you had a trouble sleeping lately and he asked me to give this to you." Abi took a small bottle out from her pocket then handed it to (y/n). She took the small potion bottle and brings it closer to the candle the color of the liquid were dark purple almost black. "What is this?" she asked, Abi quickly replied. "It's a sleep potion, it helps you to sleep well. Maester and the physicians created a new formula, this one works well hence the color different from the usual." Abi explained about the potion perfectly. "Tell maester and the pysicians that I'm grateful for their help." (y/n) said before finally drink the potion and finished it.

The potion taste a little bit odd than the sleep potion that she use to take way back, it was tingling at first especially on her lips then her tongue slightly burn, after a couple of seconds she feels the greatest burning sensation on her throat. Which sends her shed her tears, she dropped the bottle and now (y/n) practically running out of air her face turns pale and blood starts gushing out from her nose then her mouth. She literally reach out for Abi, but Abi just stand there smiling victoriously, she pushed (y/n) to the floor and there she lays helplessly watching Abi about to leave her chambers. In desperate (y/n) asked "Why...."

Abi stops for a while and the only words she said was "The Lannister sends their regards", when she opened the door Ser Vaeril, Lady Auriel , Nieven were already there. Ser Vaeril arrest Abi's immediately and bring her to the dungeon with the help of Lady Auriel. Barrin that were hiding in the Queen's big closet rushed out to the Queen, he took a small bottle of green liquid in it and slowly help (y/n) to swallow the potion. "There...we have to wait she will awake in a minute." Barrin said to Sir Nieven. Minutes passes but still Barrin and Nieven wait patiently for their Queen to awake, 5 minutes pass still no response. Sir Vaeril finally back after he asked Lady Auriel and the crew to bring Abi to the dungeon.

"Is her grace alright?" Ser Vaeril asked, Barrin and Nieven didn't answer him but instead they just watched the lifeless Queen's body. Ser Vaeril checks the pulse at her neck, then at her hand and there's none. "What have we done....." Said Ser Vaeril, he shed his manly tears, but somehow Ser Vaeril turns angry and he yanked Barrin to his side and puts a dagger on his throat. "It didn't work...You promised her that it will work! You promised the others it will work!!" The dagger that he holds slightly pricked  Barrin's neck and the small cut started to bleed. "Stop it!! Killing Barrin or anyone won't bring our Queen back!" Nieven yelled to Ser Vaeril. Ser Vaeril  let go of Barrin then step closer to (y/n) body before carrying her bride style to the throne room. The news spread around Lockhart first then quickly spreads towards the rest of the Westeros.

The news spread to the north, Robb are the first one to know the sad news. When he heard that there were letter from Lockhart he smiled knowing that his beloved one finally wrote him back but his heart broke into small pieces when he reads it. His fiancé died, murdered by someone that she thought friend. Robb are not himself, he mourned for her he didn't attend any meetings with the lords that evening. Lady Catelyn followed Robb to the woods, he was standing behind the big tree. She keep her distant enough for her to see Robb he knows that her son needed a space. She heard him screaming frustratedly then began to hit the big tree with his swords. Lady Catelyn, shed a tears seeing how broke her son is, after a while he stop he's crying he didn't care anymore about his reputation. He kneeled helplessly with his sword by his side, at this moment Lady Catelyn decided to comfort her son. She steps closer and kneeled beside her son and hug him which he return the hug with such a strong grip. "Get up my son, we need a plan how to attack Kings Landing. We will avenge your father, your (y/n) and we will bring Sansa and Arya home."

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