The Curse of The Dead

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Sansa were crying in panic when Arya found her, she was sitting at the corner of her chamber. "Sansa, its's alright" Arya said as she approached her sister, Sansa slowly looked up to Arya with her red puffy eyes. "Is it?" Arya come step closer to her and touches her shoulder, "Yes...come on let's find Rob and the others." Arya said, she extend her hand to Sansa and she took it.

"Please!! Anyone I need help!" Rob yelled across the wall that has been destroyed, he was desperate asking for help to cure (y/n). Rob sets his wife on top of the table in the council room, he covers her body with his own cloak just for extra warmth while he waits for someone to check up on her. Soon he heard a lots of heavy footsteps across the hall, Rob was crying and clutching his wife's hand tight. When Jon arrived, followed by Grey Worm, Danaerys, and Ser Davos they saw the heartbreak scene where the King were crying holding the Queen's hand tight. Danaerys slowly step closer to the table where (y/n) body was and she look at the Queen, her face were pale, there was a bruise on her neck and there was a few strands of her hair turns silver. "May I?" Danaerys politely asked Robb, he didn't said anything but instead he just gave her a slight nod. Danaerys checks her pulse at her neck area and there was a pulse but the rhythm was slower than average.

"She's still with us." Danaerys softly spoke, Robb look at her then to (y/n). He immediately checks on her, he literally thought that his beloved wife are gone. Just about right time, Barrin the maester were finally arrived he immediately examine the Queen with the King's permission. After a quick examination Robb carry his wife to their shared chambers to let Barrin checks up on her more.

Danaerys just stand there watch as Robb carry his wife leaving them alone in the council room. Her heart beats fast, it was a mix feeling for her because if (y/n) are still alive her chance to rule the Westeros seems impossible. "She killed the Night King...and she" Danaerys said to herself but little did she know Tormund heard what she said and replied "Because she has a strong will and shes a warrior." Tormund proudly said, he really admired the Queen's spirit. He never really care about the highborn in the Westeros before but when he met (y/n) and Robb through Jon it changes his mind and the way he sees the highborn.

(Y/n) were sleeping  peacefully that night, and Robb were loyal to her because he never leave the bedside ever. His heart breaks when he found out that his mother were killed during the war, his men did try their best to protect Lady Catelyn but it was impossible during that time since the dead were triple his men.

Early in the morning after the battle...

"Your grace, it's time." Sir Nieven, politely reminding Robb about the last homage ceremony for the fallen armies and the others. "I''ll look after her grace." Ser Vaeril speak because he understand that the King are worried of the Queen and he understand that the idea of leaving the Queen's side after the great war are just not it, and Vaeril is (y/n) most loyal knight so Robb finally give in and nod to Vaeril, he then leave the room with his heavy heart following Nieven to the field. When he arrived, the others were already waiting for him he look at his mother for the last time, then Theon, Ser Jorah and Lady Auriel. Danaerys step closer to where Ser Jorah body is, she leaned closer and planted a soft kiss on his forehead, before stepping back and stand with the others. Sansa step closer to Theon, she was crying as she tucked the Wolf pin to Theon's armor. Sansa then slowly step back, Jon felt sorry for her so he gave her a warm embrace hoping that it will help her to calm down.

Robb slowly step to the middle of the others and said "We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters to our fathers and mothers, to our friends. Our fellow men and women, who set aside their differences, to fight together... and die together, so that others might live. Everyone in this world, owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor, to keep them alive in memory, for those who come after us, and those who come after them... for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their like again." After that speech, Robb, Jon and the others were given a torch each. They then step closer to each of the piles of woods that were stack together then set it on fire.

Later that night....

The dinner were quiet, all of them were enjoying their food. Robb were not himself, his thought were full of his wife, their kingdom and how they want to rule next if the Dragon Queen are still here and she was just sitting besides him. Danaerys made Gendry as the Lord of Storms End, by those act Robb thoughts were disturbed, thinking that she still in his Kingdom and the Dragon Queen were already giving orders and stuff. After quite some time the atmosphere change, the people starts to joke around with their friends. Soon the dining room were full of laughter and happy music, to be honest Robb not having a great time without his wife so he decided to excuse himself. Just when he about to stand, the dining room turns silent almost immediately all of the people's face looks shock and their eyes were focus on the main door of the dining room.

(y/n) were there, she dressed in black long dress that fits on her body, there's a few silver strands on her dark hair, no more pale face and her cheeks flush as her eyes meets Robb's, the bruise on her neck are still visible and it doesn't make her any less beautiful. Ser Vaeril stands besides her helping her as she walks, her body still weak and Barrin advice her to take a good amount of rest for a couple more days but her heart were aching to see Robb and the others who survived the battle.

Robb quickly walk to his wife and help her, Ser Vaeril step aside and gave the King way. It was a silent moment but not awkward, they wait for their Queen to properly sit and only after that they will. At this moment Tormund decided to bring his cup and stand close to where Jon were sitting and said "To the King and Queen!" he hold his cup up to the air and toss, Danaerys took her cup and said "To Queen (y/n), hero of Winterfell." And with that all the people in the room were cheering to it. Danaerys forced a smile and of course Tyrion saw it he knows the Dragon Queen so well. Tyrion look at (y/n) he glad that the Queen survive the battle and the fact that the Queen beats the Night King herself are such a hero act. The people in the room were all cheering for her, the smile on people's face when they see and say her name clearly shows how much these people love and respect her but when it comes to Danaerys none of them treats her with such warmth.

Brann did told his siblings about what happened at the Godswood and of course Tormund being Jon bestfriend couldn't miss such a great story, he said that how he wish he could witnessed such an epic battle. And that night when he was half drunk he proudly told the others in the dining room about how (y/n) fights and killed the Night King, then he proudly talks about how crazy Jon were when he rides the dragon. When Danaerys heard about (y/n) story, she knows that if (y/n) can beat the Night King by herself, its enough for her to know that she cannot rule and conquer the North and the Lockhart Kingdom. Then suddenly her thoughts also disturbed by the fact that Jon are the last male heir to the Iron Throne, she knows that if Robb and (y/n) know about this then  there will be  no chance for her to rule. Danaerys look at the table where Tyrion are, he was having fun talking with Lady Brienne, Ser Jaime and the others. Then she look where Jon and Tormund are, they were enjoying themselves lastly she look at the King and Queen in the North, Robb were carefully taking care of his wife with such loving act. But the sweet moment were disturbed by half drunk Ser Vaeril, he walk slowly towards the King and Queen's table with a goblet full of wine on his right hand. As he walks he stumble upon one of the men's leg. (y/n) fast reflect  use her power to prevent Vaeril from falling hit his face down first which she succesfully did, Vaeril didn't fall but one thing that caught everyone attention is when the red wine froze into an ice and it breaks as soon as it touch the ground.

Danaerys were shocked so does the others, she look at (y/n) then Robb. Both of them look surprised, from that reaction she knows that this is new, that the Queen never done it before. Danaerys slowly step back, and she retreats to her chambers without telling the others. Robb look at his wife then to the frozen wine, (y/n) seems shock of what she just did she look at both of her hands then to Robb. "That...this is new, I never done it before." She said. Ser Vaeril are half drunk but what the queen just did he's fully aware of that, he step closer to the table and checks on her. "Are you alright, your grace?" He asked. (y/n) didn't answer but instead she just look at Ser Vaeril straight in the eyes and slowly shakes her head, she seems confuse and shock. Robb aware of that all eyes on her so he decided to call it a night for the both of them. "The Queen need a rest therefore the Queen and I will retreat to our chambers and call it a  night. All of you are free to drink, to eat and enjoy the night." Robb said, and with that the music player slowly begin to play the instrument and the happy music  starts to  fill the dining room. Robb help (y/n) to stand and walk to their shared chambers after.

"Some people call it's a gift, and some people call  it's a curse that brings tragedy." Brann says which catch Jon, Sansa and Tormund's attention which then sends them a worried face. "But do not fret for the Queen has a pure heart."

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