I Reclaim My Kingdom

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That night they were all gather in one tent, Tormund Giantsbane the leader of the Wildlings are there too. "I am sure that bastard would plan a dirty way to win." Robb said to the others, Tormund voice out his opinion to the King. "Then we should play dirty too." Tormund says before sipping a goat's milk from his cup, (y/n) just look at him how come this man can drink that it has unpleasant smell and she can smell it from where she was standing. "No Tormund, we are not like that. We are better than him." Jon replied. "You're right brother, we are far better than him. If we march straight to his men, would it be a good idea my Queen?" Robb asked his wife, now all eyes are on (y/n). Robb trust his wife and adored her. "I must say it's not a great plan my love. We should let 3 thousand men to march first, 3 thousand men march right after the first. Two thousand on west and east ready to attack. Ramsay has 5 thousand men that's what I know from Sansa, by sending 3 thousand men first would be ideal, we play with his ego thinking that we are outnumbered." (y/n) voice out her plan as she pointed and mark the map.

Robb stare as his wife talks about the war strategies, he admired her. Jon saw Robb admiring (y/n) and it shows how much Robb loves her, The Vrotheris are known as master of war strategies and he belive it he reads a lot about the The Vrotheris when he's in Castle Black well thanks to Sam because he's the one that made him took an interest in reading. He also heard about the tragedy in the Riverrun, where they were betrayed by Ramsay's father and if it's not because (y/n) and her plan he would not be seeing his brother and the others ever again. "Aye, I like this plan more." Tormund commented, he then look at the others asking for their opinion. Robb nods agree to his wife's plan. "What are the signal your grace, so the troops will aware of it?"Jon asked (y/n), Robb look at his wife smiling. "Keaneiros" Said Robb and (y/n), poor Tormund didn't understand so he asked. "What does it mean?" Jon look at his friend and cracked a smile. "It means fire in Vrotheris tongue, my friend." Said Jon, Robb then came up with one last idea. "Would you do it? Give them a signal that all the troops can see?" Robb asked (y/n), asking her to cast a fire ball to be their signal. "Of course."

That morning, Robb and (y/n) men are ready, Tormund are leading the east troops, Jon leads the west troops while Robb and the queen leads the first and second troops. They saw Ramsay mens are all on the field, there they saw Rickon stands besides Ramsay with his hand tied together. "You like games little man? Let's play a game, run to your brother the soon you make it to him, the soon you get to see him again. That's it, that's the game easy. Ready? Go." Ramsay told Rickon, he then slowly walk to the field, he keep looking back and forth. "No you have to run remember? Those are the rules" Then Ramsay take his bow ready to shoot him, with that Rickon run as fast as he could. When Robb saw it, he didn't waste anytime and rides fast to Rickon. (y/n) follow her husband to the field, she can rides faster than Robb so she did pass Robb to reach Rickon. (y/n) were almost there she almost got Rickon's hand but it was a second late when the arrows struck right to his heart.

Lord Davos saw it and he yelled to the troops to march along with the King and Queen. "Attack!!!" with that the front line of the troops march to the field. (y/n) saw the arrows are coming to them, she use her power to change the arrows position to shoot the Ramsay's men instead. Ramsay shock of what had just happened, he saw that the arrows going back to them instead of to the King and Queen. "Witch!!" He yelled, he asked all his men to march forward to kill them all. Ramsay fall back to the hills watching his men fighting Robb's men. He smiled wickedly when he saw they almost win the war.

(y/n) use her swords and power together to kill Ramsay's men and in the same time protecting everyone when she can. "I think we should march already, I couldn't see my brother and his wife fighting there." Jon said to Lady Auriel, (y/n) did asked Lady Auriel to join the west troops. "Wait for the Queen signal, trust her." Lady Auriel warned Jon to not do any reckless decision. Soon they heard the Queen's voice screaming "Keaneiros!" and with that they saw big fireball in the air, before exploding into small fireball and hits the Ramsay's men. "Now!" Lady Auriel scream, with that all the west, the east and the last troops march together and attacks Ramsay men.

"No..no, no!" Ramsay said, from this moment he know that there's no chance to win so he told his 2 guards to escort him to fall back to Winterfell. "(y/n)! Ramsay is escaping." Robb says in the middle of fighting, (y/n) ran first to the hill, then follow by Jon, Tormund, the wildling giant then Robb follow after. Ramsay were hiding in Winterfell he asked his men to shut the big door and locked it, then he heard a loud thump from the big gate, his men whom guards  from the tower were sent flying by whatever the thing might be.

The giant helps to block the arrow from hitting them while (y/n) use her power to broke down the door. With all her might she cast a big fireball and throw it to the door, which send the big door to break in small pieces. The effect send Ramsay body flying, he lays there helplessly as he watched The Queen and The King march bravely closer to him. Tormund, Jon, Lady Auriel and the giant fight the rest of Ramsay men. Robb without hesitation he punch Ramsay's face with all his might till he fell unconscious.

That evening, all of the troops move to Winterfell and get rids of all Ramsay's stuff from their castle the flag were taken down and replace it with House Stark, House Vrotheris and Lockhart's flag. Ramsay were place in the same room where his dogs are kept, Sansa said those are the place he supposed to stay with his disgusting dogs. (y/n) and Robb came to visit Ramsay, he were tied to the chair alone in the dark along with his dogs that still in cages. "Robb....(y/n)...Hello your grace." He slowly speak, (y/n) just look at him without any response. "The rumour are true, you're a death incarnate the Queen of Death.......I saw what you did..." Ramsay stops for a while, his cough sounded dry and when he stops there's a blood slipping down from the corner of his lip. But still (y/n) didn't response to him, Robb just stares at him. "Your words will disappear, your house will disappear, your name will disappear, all memory of you will disappear." Robb finally speaks, his words send chills to Ramsay for he could predict what's going to happen. Then he heard his dogs growling slowly stepping out from cages. "My hounds would never harm me." Said Ramsay confidently to Robb and (y/n).

"But you haven't fed them in seven days you said it yourself." (y/n) said, Ramsay now try his best to calm and says "They're loyal beast." (y/n) smirk and fold her arms together. "They were, now they're starving." Robb add leaving Ramsay just sit there speechless. One of Ramsay dog sniff his face, lick the blood on his face. "No, Don't!..Don't!..Stop!" Ramsay asked his dog to stop, but it doesn't seems to work till suddenly the dog started to bit his face off and with that the others joined. (Y/n) hold Robb's hand giving it a light squeeze before leading him to leave.

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