Farewell Jon Snow

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"I heard the princess are master in sword fighting and in archery is that true brother?" Arya asked her brother Robb. She stands besides Robb, paying her full attention to one of the kings guard who she believe his name called Ser Vaeril and princess (y/n). She admired (y/n), she wanted to be like her talented at swords fighting and all. (y/n) were in her royal armor, her beautiful (h/c) tied neatly with a ribbon. "Robb don't just stand there come and join us...you too Jon" She said waving at Robb and Jon. Arya were looking at her hopefully, wonder if (y/n) would ask her to join too. Arya spent most of her time at training yard rather than attending knitting class with her sister Sansa. (y/n) look at Arya, she know the look that she gave, she smiled to Arya and wave to her inviting her to join in.

King Gaelin were on his way to Lockhart, he can't extend  his stay in Winterfell no more since his people need their King in Lockhart. Lady Auriel her father Kings Guard  accompany the King's journey back to Lockhart together with their 10 elite knights. (y/n) smiled playfully at Robb, she passed the swords to Robb inviting him to fight her. "Fight me." She said confidently, Sir Vaeril, Arya and Jon keep their distance by watching them at the side. "I don't want to hurt you." Robb said, but still (y/n) stand there adjusting her position ready to fight. "You won't." she smirked.

With that (y/n) slowly step forward and Robb lunged forward, she blocked Robb's attacked and gave Robb a smiled. "Opps, you missed." Robb then lunge forward again and  neither of them wanted to lose. After quite some time, (y/n) attack sending Robb's swords flying, she finally disarmed Robb and pointed the sword to him. "I yield." Robb put both of his hands up, he was out of breath so do (y/n). He smiled proudly to her, knowing that she's not just a princess she's a warrior, smart, brave and talented lady.

Jon and Arya enjoyed the show Robb never yield in swords fight he always the one that win so seeing Robb were defeated by a princess which is his own fiancé made it more interesting. Next is Jon and Ser Vaeril turn, (y/n) and Robb joined Arya at the side. "You were amazing my lady, can you teach me?" Arya squeak, she's so excited and in awed altogether. "Sure Arya, after your brother Jon and Sir Vaeril done alright?" (y/n) said to her, Arya nods she smiled ear to ear then she look at Robb knowing that finally someone wanted to teach her.

Next morning is the day that King Robert and his family leave Winterfell together with Lord Eddard, Sansa and Arya. Lord Eddard finally agreed to be  Kings Robert's Hand, Lady Catelyn couldn't say no to her husband since she thinks that is the best choice his husband ever made. After bid them goodbye, the house of Starks are a bit different, it was oddly quite than usual. Hours has passed she already missed Arya, its not that she didn't missed Sansa of course she did. She missed Arya more because Arya are the one that always wanted to talk to her and they're getting a lot closer when Arya started to join them practice.

Robb saw (y/n) stand at the balcony, her attention was at the big gate Robb always thought that she missed her father and his sister Arya. "You know that you can always leave to visit your father right?" Robb asked, (y/n) look at him and gave him a weak smile. Robb make his way to stand besides (y/n). "I know..... but not now." She spoke softly, Robb slowly reach for her shoulder and gently turn her body to him. "What's wrong?" He asked patiently. (y/n) reach for Robb's hands she hold it for a while caressing his hands. Somehow by just being around him bring comforts to her, she took a deep breath before slowly looking at Robb's blue eyes. "I missed my father, I really do. My mind wanted me to leave and visit him but my heart told me to stay....My heart belong to this heart." She talks as she placed her right hand onto Robb's chest. She continued "I never feel this way before Robb, and I..." She stuttered, Rob waits for her answer. Robb knows that (y/n) about to say the I love you words, and he eagerly wants her  to finish her words. "and I?" Robb replied, hoping that she will say it. "I love you." There she finally said it, Robb eyes lit, he smiled widely to her and when she saw his face (y/n) smiled back to him. "I love you too (y/n). My heart chose you way before you knew it." He said he took (y/n) right hand and kissed it before slowly leaning in to kiss his fiancé. But the sweet moment were interrupted by Theon. "Pardon me princess, Robb." Robb stop as soon as he heard Theon, (y/n)'s  face turns red. "Jon were about to leave." Theon said, (y/n) and Robb both nods to him, he then excuse himself to meet the others.

When (y/n) and Robb arrived at the big gate of Winterfell, Jon already there with his horse ready to bid Robb and her fiancé a farewell before he heads to castle black. "You look good brother" Robb smiled, he give his half brother a bone crushing hug. "When you're back you will be in all black" Robb add. "Black is my color brother." He replied, then he look at (y/n) that were standing there. He just smiled to the Lockhart princess but to his surprise the princess went in for a warm hug. A warm hug that he will always remembered when he finally arrived at castle black later on. He remembered what Arya told him, she said that the princess smells good like extremely good Jon just shrugged it off when Arya said that but when the princess herself hug him now he knows that Arya told him the truth. The princess indeed smells like heaven, his thought went to Robb how lucky this prick to be betrothed to a princess not only beautiful, talented, smart and of course smells good.

Jon hug her a lot longer he loss in her warm embrace and good scent which made Robb cleared his throat, Jon pulled away immediately. He stands there fixing his tunic awkwardly before bid them both a farewell. 

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