Decisions, Decisions...

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That night (y/n) couldn't sleep, she keep toss and turn on her shared bed. Meanwhile Robb were sleep peacefully at her side, only she can see how peaceful her husband is when he's asleep. She caress Robb's face lovingly, before slowly leaning and planted a soft kiss on his left cheek. (y/n) slowly get up from the bed fixing her white night gown before she puts on her cloak. She then slowly make her way out from the chamber and went straight to her father's tomb.

It was cold yet dark down there so she use her power to lit up all the torch and soon the room were illuminated by light from the torch. "Papa..." she said as she slowly touches the tombstone that was engraved with her father's name. "I missed you..." she continued. She shed a tear, she wipes off her tear gently. "Ever since you gone, a lot had happened......remember the great war that you once told me? I thought it was just a bedtime stories but no. We win the war papa...And I found the one that are responsible for everything that took your life, I stopped her....I thought it was the last battle, the Targaryen declare a war with Lockhart and Winterfell. I tried to protect our home, our people, me and Robb did, we try to live in peace but why does the war never end? When will it be?........I wish you were here papa....I don't know what I'm supposed to do, are my actions right?  If you were here, you must be know what to do...." (y/n) finally breakdown after so long keeping this matter. She always seems so strong, but sometimes people forget that she's  also human with feelings. She missed her father so much, and all these wars even made her stress and it's so tiring. 

"My Queen.." (Y/n) heard someone addressing her, she quickly wipes off her tears and turn her body to look back and there she saw Vaeril still with his full armor standing there looking concern of her well being. "Vaeril, what are you doing here?" she quickly asked, she's aware that Vaeril wearing his armor on and it's obvious that he's on duty to patrol. "I'm on my duty your grace. And I saw the gate were jar opened I thought there was an intruder. Pardon me your grace I didn't mean to pry." He said as he slightly bow showing how sorry he was.

"It's fine Vaeril" she said, Vaeril study her face the queen look tired and stress so he asked "Are you alright, your grace?" (y/n) fix her cloak and said "....actually I really need someone to talk to. Can you meet me in council room after this?" The Queen asked. "I will your grace." He slightly bow, (y/n) gave him a slight nod before leading the way to the council room.

Council room – midnight

As soon as they got there, (y/n) eyes went straight to a wide -spread map that is on the table.
Her gaze keep looking back and forth between Lockhart and Winterfell. Vaeril didn't say anything but instead he patiently wait for his Queen to speak first. "Winterfell, Lockhart, King's Landing.....Vaeril, I need to hear your thoughts about this" Vaeril walk closer to the table, his eyes fixed on the map. He took his time to think and when he finally found an idea he look to the Queen in the eyes. (y/n) look at him, his face tells it all and  he knows that Vaeril has something to say but he was keeping it to himself.

"Vaeril, you're not just an elite knight that serves the Queen and King. You are my friend, I've known you since we were just children. I know that look, you have something in your mind and you're keeping it from me. I trust you Vaeril, so tell me." (y/n) said as she gave him a small reassuring smile. "Your grace, before I start I want to say that I respect you..." Vaeril said, he look at the queen and she just remain silent waiting for him to continue. "We know that Danaerys will attack and try to take Lockhart and Winterfell. I am sure Lockhart is her first city to strike, my suggestion is we can't let her ruin our home like she did with King's Landing if we decided to let Lockhart to be the battlefield. We can't lose the innocent lives of Lockhart, I suggest that we lure her to the wide field just a few miles from Lockhart. We will make it end there without her burning the city down."

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