Blood for blood, a Soul for a soul

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(y/n) still hugging Robb's lifeless body close to her, she's crying her heart out. Jon were just standing there speechless, try to process what had happened to his brother. His vision starts to blur a tear starts to form at the corner of his eyes. "Robb die to protect our homeland...are this isn't enough for you Jon?" (y/n) said as she planted a soft kiss on Robb's now cold forehead, her gaze focus on the dagger Robb keep at his side that remain untouched. The valerian steel dagger that she gave to him as the betrothal gift many years before. She took it from Robb's body then place it on her side armor close to her sword. (y/n) then look straight to Jon, his eyes were red. Jon didn't say anything but instead he look at his lifeless brother that lay peacefully on the grass. "I'll avenge your death brother, for the North and for Lockhart." He said as he sniffled, soon they heard a loud growl from the sky and from here they can see Drogon were shot to death.

With that they saw the remaining of Danaerys's army ran straight to where the dragon just fell, (y/n) then look to the other way where she saw Vaeril and the others marching to dead dragon together with the wildlings. "Let's stop this once and for all." (y/n) said as she glance to Jon, he gave her a nod before running together to the dead dragon.

The Unsullied and the remaining Dothraki were besieged by Queen (y/n) army, it was 3:1. Queen Danaerys still alive but she was injured there's a few scratches on her arms and her face, she was desperately hiding behind her commander, Torgo Nudho. There's only hundred of them left, but still they're not ready to yield. When (y/n) and Jon finally arrived Vaeril already with his sword standing in the frontline, beside him is Tormund. "Surrender now Danaerys Stormborn!" (y/n) voice were loud and clear and that very moment the elite knights giving their Queen's way. Her face were covered with her husband's blood, at her right hand there's a gold valerian steel dagger, her eyes were puffy red yet here she is stand bravely in front of her enemy. Danaerys look at (y/n), she looks in pain but yet she stand strong together with her men. "You killed our King, we demand your Queen's blood for our King and your Queen' soul for our King soul!!" Tormund voice's boomed, his speech were supported by the wildlings and others, but (y/n) remain quite still waiting for the Queen Danaerys to surrender. Another troops of the elite knight already took an aim for each one of Danaerys men ready to let the arrow go, patiently waiting for the Queen's command.

"Surrender now.." (y/n) command but still there's no sign of Danaerys to surrender. "Keaneiros." The Queen shouted and with that all of Danaerys men shot to death, except for Torgo Nudho. Torgo Nudho take his spear in his right hand ready to fight, he know its impossible since its 1 versus thousands of the enemy, he know it leads to nothing but death, he choose to die protecting his beloved Queen rather than bend his knee. With that Jon unsheathed his sword ready to accept the challenge, but soon was stop by his sister by law. "This is my fight, for Robb." She said as she confidently let go of his sword to the ground, she's now left with his late husband's dagger only as her weapon.

She study the way Torgo Nudho moves, the way he control the movement of his spear and in split seconds he lunge forward to attack the Queen but one thing for sure she's fast. The Queen are known for his agility in swords fight and combat. Torgo Nudho try to attack again and she managed to dodge it effortlessly. "Torgo Nudho, enough!" Danaerys command and with that he got distracted and (y/n) took the opportunity to slash his throat. Blood were gushing out from his throat, he tries to put pressure on it but it does nothing, (y/n) slash his ankle and with that he fell to the ground. Danaerys were screaming and crying knowing that her best soldier were defeated and now she left unprotected surrounded by her biggest thread.

(Y/n) slowly step closer to dead dragon body where Danaerys were standing, her step stops when she just a few meters apart from Danaerys. As she admired the bloody dagger in her hand she says "This dagger, it was my husband's. I gave it to him the day when we got betrothed...He promise me a child, to have a beautiful family, to live peacefully but you took that from me, our dream...You took him from me, you suffered others and all of these because of your obsession of a better world, it was never about better world. You Danaerys Stomborn are just like your father,you're a mad Queen that thirst for power and blood." (y/n) said as she step more closer to the silver haired queen that are now sitting on the ground, she looks terrified of her. "Now what I'm going to do with you..." (y/n) softly speak at this moment she sounded like a psycho. The Targaryen Queen looks so terrified of what's going to happen to her next, (y/n) enjoyed it she loves how Danaerys look so afraid of her right now.

(y/n) took a glance to Jon, he looks depressed and he was trying so hard to not to look at Danaerys. (y/n) playing with his dagger considering what action she should do next to Danaerys. She then lean closer to whisper something to Danaerys's ear "Any last word?" she asked as she grab her arm hard asking her to stand. She bit his pinkish lip hard and let out a shaky breath before screaming "Dracarys" the exact same word as Missandei's last word before she got beheaded. With that (y/n) grab her silver hair from the back and slit her throat in front of the others. Jon look away, he couldn't watch someone he love got murdered in front of him. Danaerys fell to the ground both of her hands are on her throat putting a pressure on it, it was a slow and painful way to die. "I warned you Dani. Blood for blood, a soul for a soul." (y/n) said as she look at Danaerys, her face were cold and her voice were monotone.

Arya saw all of it, all of her sister by law did to Danaerys. How she wish she's the one that kill the Silver haired Queen instead, to avenge his brother's death but she glad that (y/n) did it. Tyrion watches from afar, from the highest hill where the archers is. He let out of heavy breath, he glad that this madness are over.

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