The Wise Queen and Her Beasts

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"The King and Queen In The North also King and Queen of Lockhart...What kind of games is this?!. I thought that whore were dead! What is this?!!!" Cersei tear the letter and tossed the paper to the council table. Tywinn Lannister, just chuckled and shakes his head. Tyrion came to the council room just in time, he saw his sister and her face were red as tomatoes then he look towards the table and there was pieces of paper everywhere. "What made you so upset dear sister?" Tyrion fixed himself on the chair while eyeing his sister, to King Joffery then back to his father. "That Vrotheris bitch are alive, the wedding ceremony of her and that so called King in the north were succesfully done last 3 days." Says King Joffery angrily, he walk back and forth. This news are not a great news for the Lannisters since for them The Starks and The Vrotheris are the threat of the throne, not only that with Queen (y/n) still alive and rule Vrotheris they know that the war are about to come. The thought of it scares the arrogant King Joffery, he knows how powerful the Lockhart's army are, how advanced their weapon and not to mention their special troops called the elite knights.

"Congratulations, such a happy news to Sansa and I. Why are these news made you uneasy dear nephew? Afraid if they march and chop off your head just like you did to the late Lord Eddard?" Tyrion questioning King Joffery withour fear, he knows that it's the bitter truth that his nephew scared to accept. Tyrion are not in their games when it comes to assassinate the Vrotheris and the Stark, because he knows that those are wrong and underestimate the Vrotheris are such a big mistakes. His family didn't believe the story about the Vrotheris has an enourmous dragon and the griffins. Somehow Tyrion believes it when he saw the Queen backs then, he sees a powerful woman, a beautiful yet mysterious a potential leader that he surely will follow. He did a lot of readings and researches about the family as soon as he found out that the Vrotheris would be visiting the Winterfell way back.

"He's threatening the King." Says King Joffrey, his mother Cersei squeeze his hands then gave him a small assuring smile. " Don't take it seriously, he's just a bitter little man." King Joffery holds his anger and somehow his mother words work.

Meanwhile in Lockhart.....

That night Robb were stuck in his own thought, he stare at the table where the Westeros map is. The plan that he worked on before seems like its useless, (y/n) see her husband sitting there with his heads hung low. "Robb, are you alright?" she step closer to her husband, she touches Robb's shoulder and give it a light squeeze. Robb took his wife's hand and kissed it. "Somehow the plan leads to nowhere, we can't force them into the field and we can't attack them where they're strongest." Robb now stand beside his wife, his eyes were fixed to the map then somehow after a short silence he already has a new plan. "But we can attack them where they're not...We're going to take their home away from them."

"Can we do it?" (y/n) asked. "We need more men to help us to win the Casterly Rock, the army that has not sided with the Lannisters, the man who's daughter that I supposed to marry, Walder Frey." Robb voice out his plan to his wife, (y/n) didn't know that Robb were promised to Walder Frey's daughter. She couldn't hide her face, Robb saw it and what makes it even hurts is that he never told (y/n) about it. She felt betrayed and hurt, she's aware that Robb is her husband now but somehow it stings. (y/n) walk to the balcony area leaving Robb still in the middle of their now shared chambers. "My love..." Robb step closer to his wife and slightly touches her waist. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. It happened when we were apart, my mother had to swore an oath to Walder Frey to gain his help for us to defeat the Lannisters. I should've told you...I'm truly sorry (y/n/n)"

(y/n) touch her husband face, slowly caressing it she look into his eyes and says "I forgive you...I know that it was in the past but now...If he sees us  step into his castle together, trust me my love it's not a great plan." (y/n) sighed, she did not agree with her husband plan knowing that he broke the oath and decide to pay Walder Frey visit with his wife are not a great idea. "We need his man and their aid." Robb protest but still he keep his tone soft when he speaks to his wife. "100 thousand mens of Lockhart isn't enough for you Robb?" (y/n) says to her husband trying her best to assure him that it is more than enough. "It's not a great planned sending all 100 thousand men to take Casterly Rock, while none guarding Lockhart. Our real war is to take down the Lannister in King's Landing, and when the day is coming we will bring the rest of the remaining troops." Robb said to his wife. (y/n)  took her time to think about it.

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