Dezeo, The Protector of The Sky

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While (y/n) were busy talking to her Hand  Nieven she heard the loud trumpet from the border which means that the troops of King in the North are on their way to enter the big gate of Lockhart. (Y/n) quickly fixed herself before walking to the assembly point together with  Nieven, and Lady Auriel waiting for the troops to come in. She had a mixed feelings about this, nervous and excited because it's been a long time since she see her loved one.

As Robb and his troops of army slowly marching to the big gate, he saw there's another gate in front of the actual castle gate. He saw a massive thorn gate and it seems like the Kingdom of Lockhart were guarded and surrounded by it.

Robb took his glove off, the thorn gate fascinate him before Robb hands could touch it Ser Vaeril voiced were loud warning Robb

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Robb took his glove off, the thorn gate fascinate him before Robb hands could touch it Ser Vaeril voiced were loud warning Robb. "Your Grace. It would be wise not to touch the thorn. It's poisonous." Ser Vaeril voice echoes through the thorn gates, the next thing they know the large door at the centre of the gate slowly open by the guards. "Welcome to Lockhart, your grace." Ser Vaeril slightly bow to him before escorting him, Lady Catelyn and the rest of the troops. (y/n) saw her fiancé walking besides Ser Vaeril and his mother were at his left side. Her heart starts beating fast, her hands starts to fidgeting. Nieven took a glimpse of the Queen's face he smiled to herself when (y/n) looks nervous.

"Your grace I represent you the Queen of Lockhart, (y/n) Vrotheris." Ser Vaeril announced. "Your Grace." Robb slightly nod to her, then he gave her the sweetest smile that she missed the most. (y/n) couldn't hold being so formal, instead she lunged towards Robb to hug him, Robb return her hug with such a loving embrace. "I missed you." She whispered to his ear.

Robb give her a soft kiss on her forehead before pulling away, "when I heard the news, it broke me..and now you're here its like a dream." Robb said, he was so thankful that the potion worked. "Your grace, I suggest that we let King in the North, Lady Catelyn and the troops to rest. The journey must be tiring." Nieven suggest, (y/n) literally forgot about it and she felt embarrassed because she was carried away when she saw Robb. (y/n) nods to Nieven, Lady Auriel escort Lady Catelyn to her chambers, while Ser Vaeril escort Robb to his chambers. "I will come and find you later." (Y/n) softly speak to Robb which Robb then give his infamous wink in return.

Later that day, (y/n) finally ready to confront the traitor, Abi. She confidently sit on her throne, with her fiancé King Robb by her right side and  Nieven by her left side. Abi's appearance are extremely messy, she still wore the same dress that she used the night that she poisoned (y/n) and she's barefoot. Her heads were hung low, probably guilty or embarrassed of what she had done to the Queen. "Eyes on me." The Queen command, Abi look at her with straight face. "How long have you serve the Lannisters? What are your mission?" The words that came out from the Queen lips, are sharp as blade no more sweet talks. King Robb took a glimpse of his fiance, her face were stone cold. He remember that she always smile and treats Abi rights, she did mentioned to him once that she sees Abi as her own sister not just her maid. But the sad part is it was all an act to fooled (y/n), but she's wiser than that and to prove that Abi are the biggest traitor in her Kingdom she took a big risk and it's worth it. Because her trust for Abi are way much more than that, when Nieven told her about Abi, she almost couldn't believe and in order to make it sure she did the scariest thing which leads her to death. While (y/n) interrogates Abi with help of Nieven, he admired her, he adored her, how could someone intelligent, brave, beautiful, strong, independent, and nurturing could possibly love him this much.

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