Second Chance

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Jon make his way to the throne room to meet the Queen, and when he arrive there he saw Danaerys were already sitting on the Iron Throne.

Jon make his way to the throne room to meet the Queen, and when he arrive there he saw Danaerys were already sitting on the Iron Throne

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"Leave us" Danaerys said to her guards and with that all the guards leave the throne room. "When I was a girl, my brother told me it was made with 1000 swords from Aegon's fallen enemies. What do 1000 swords look like in the mind of a little girl who can't count to 20? I imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb. So many fallen enemies, you could only see the soles of Aegon's feet." She said, as she caress the throne with a smile on her face. "I saw them executing Lannister prisoners in the street. They said they were acting on your orders." Jon said. Hearing that, Danaerys put her smile away, her face back to serious and cold just like he saw at the battle field. "It was necessary" She said as she steps closer to Jon. "Necessary? Have you been down there? Have you seen? Children, little children, burned!"

"I tried to make peace with Cersei. She used their innocence as a weapon against me. She thought it would cripple me." Danaerys protest. "And Tyrion?" Jon asked. "He conspired behind my back with my enemies. How have you treated people who've done the same to you, even when it broke your heart?" Danaerys asked Jon. "Forgive him." Said Jon.

"I can't." She said, Jon steps closer to her and say "You can. You can forgive all of them, make them see they made a mistake. Make them understand. Please, Dany." Jon begged her to reconsider about Tyrion sentence. "We can't hide behind small mercies. The world we need won't be built by men loyal to the world we have." Said Danaerys.

"The world we need is a world of mercy. It has to be" Jon said, he tried his best for Danaerys to understand and see that the choice she made are wrong. "And it will be It's not easy to see something that's never been before. A good world." She said as she steps more closer to Jon and now they were only a few inches apart from each other.

" She said as she steps more closer to Jon and now they were only a few inches apart from each other

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"How do you know? How do you know it'll be good? Because I know what is good. And so do you." Said Danaerys as she caress Jon left cheek. "I don't" Jon said. "Yes you do. You've always known." She then rest her hand to Jon's chest where his heart is. "What about everyone else? All the other people who think they know what's good. My brother Robb and (y/n) ..."

"They don't get to choose. Be with me. Build the new world with me. This is our reason. It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name and I was a little girl who couldn't count to 20. We do it together. We break the wheel together." Said Danaerys. Her words clear enough for Jon to envision what the future would like if Danaerys keep on with her mission to conquer the world. Tyrion was right, she believe that her destiny is to create a better world but she forgot that this world is for everyone and not just for her. "I love you Dany." Jon replied as he lean closer to kiss Danaerys on her lip.

After a while they're both pull away, Jon distance himself a bit. Danaerys were smiling, she seems happy that Jon on her side about this but her sweet smile fades when Jon said this "But my brother Robb and his wife are good people, they're a good ruler. Please call off this war against them." Jon try to change her mind about the war, hopefully that Danaerys will let them rule the North and Lockhart. "I thought I made it clear before Jon, the world will never be in peace if it's not under my protection." Danaerys said. Jon about to reply but he keep his words to himself, he nod to the Queen and excuse himself.


"Fancy meeting you here again Jon." Tyrion said, he was surprised to see Jon that night. Jon gave him a small nod, he took a sit on the nearby chair, he then sighed heavily. "You're right about her..." Said Jon, Tyrion take a deep breath with his eye close, "I told you....what's your plan?" Asked Tyrion. Before Jon could answer there's a knock on the door, the guards then held the door for Danaerys. Jon and Tyrion quickly straighten their posture. "Tyrion....tonight is your last day in King's Landing. You betrayed me.... and I won't forgive you after what you did to me, but I will give you a chance to live your life out from King's Landing. I don't want to see you step your pretty little feet into my Kingdom and If I see or hear a word that you are here. You know what will happen. Tonight is your last day here, you may leave first thing in the morning." She said. She look at Jon for a seconds then she look at Tyrion for one last time before leaving them both.

"Thank you Jon for saving my life..." Tyrion said, he glad that the Queen are kind enough to spare his life and banished him from King's Landing instead. "You should thank her, not me." Jon said. Tyrion just nod acknowledging his words, he sighed once again. His thought were already ahead, thinking about his future. Where he will go and what he will do next. "Where would you go?" Jon asked. "Casterley Rock? I'm sure there's nothing left for me there...I don't know Jon, probably Lockhart nor Winterfell. Maybe serve your brother and his wife." He said as he starts to pack his belonging and some books to his bag. "You know who you're dealing with if you serve my brother right?"

"Of course, I will serve King Robb the benevolent and Queen (y/n) the wise and powerful , for that cause I will facing Danaerys again with different purpose......You know what, while I was alone in this room, I was thinking about what I did before, about what I chose. I think that, I should've serve Robb and (y/n) all along." Said Tyrion, he was already done with packing his belonging. Jon don't know what to say when Tyrion said that, so he change topic immediately. "I'll send a raven, to let them know that you're coming."

"Appreciate it." Tyrion said to Jon. "I'll see you first thing in the morning." Said Jon, he then excuse himself from Tyrion.

Meanwhile in Lockhart....

Nieven, the Queen adivisor came to the throne room with a letter in his hand. "Your Grace, a word from King's Landing." Nieven said as he handed the letter to Robb. The King and Queen both exchanged a confuse look when they see the scroll doesn't have any seal but only tied by a twine and has an small initial written on it, (y/n) then asked Robb to open the letter to read the message. Robb read it silently, he then look at his wife and said "It's from Jon, he said that Lord Tyrion will be here in 3 days." Robb then continue reading the letter, he wanted to know why Tyrion are on his way to Lockhart. After Robb done reading it, he told (y/n) about it. To be honest Robb and (y/n) have a mixed feelings about it, they both know that Tyrion once a Hand to the Queen Danaerys and the idea of him wanted to change his loyalty are a bit shock to both of them.

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