We Will Meet Again

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(y/n) stay in the Stark's castle for almost a month, she didn't realize how fast time pass by. Lady Catelyn did teach and share a lot about Winterfell cultures, their history, about the family roots and the law. (y/n) didn't complained instead she enjoyed her time with Lady Catelyn, she spent most of her time with her lately and she missed her fiancé Robb. Until one day Abi came to meet her when she was busy talking to Lady Catelyn. Abi received a letter from Lockhart, so she brings the letter quickly as she can to the princess. (y/n) took the scroll from Abi, somehow this particular scroll that came today give her a different energy. She break the wax and read the letter silently, Lady Catelyn patiently wait for her to finish and when she does the only words comes from her lip is "Papa".

Her voice cracked, she brings the letter to her chest, the tears start to form in her eyes which made Lady Catelyn concerned. "What's wrong dear?" She asked, she puts her hands on her (y/n) shoulder. "Papa, he's not well. Sir Nieven said he ....If you please my lad...mother can I leave tomorrow morning." Yes she called Lady Catelyn mother, Lady Catelyn herself insist (y/n) to call her that since she's part of the family now. She feels sorry for her, she looks so upset when she heard the news. "You don't have to ask a permission from me dear, it's your father of course you can leave."

That morning Robb with his heavy heart seeing (y/n) getting ready and pack her things. Deep inside his heart he wanted to leave Winterfell and accompany her through this horrible nightmare, seeing his fiancé this upset made him feel loss how he wish he can fix that and see her smile. After she received the news her smiles fade, even if she does he know that she forced it.

Robb then followed her to the big gate together with his mom, Ser Vaeril and his crew already get her horse ready and waits for her. "I'll wait for you at the horse my lady." Abi said, she gave an excuse so that (y/n) and Robb can have private moment for a while. "Please come with me Robb.." she plead, Robb only can give her a smile then he gently hold her face with both of his hands. Literally admiring her sweet beautiful face that he will be missed when she's gone to Lockhart. "I wanted to, but you know that I can't. I'm Lord of Winterfell now my dear, I need to be presence for my people." He said softly, a tears starts to form on her eyes and when she blinks the tears rolls down on her sweet red cheeks. Robb wiped her tears, he then pulled her into long embrace. "Don't rush anything just take your times, and when it's time we will meet again and we'll have the wedding." Robb whisper sweet things to her ear, he then kissed the top of her head before (y/n) pulling away.

(y/n) wiped her remaining tears, she saw Robb's eyes are red he did try his best not to cry. "Before I leave I wanted you to have this..." She unchained her pendant that always hung on her neck, he never saw her put it away not even once but today is different.

" She unchained her pendant that always hung on her neck, he never saw her put it away not even once but today is different

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"As remembrance of me, a promise that I'm always yours." She said as she take Robb's hands and put the pendant to his hands. Robb nods, he caress her face one last time then slowly leaning in to kiss her. The kiss was slow, sweet and passionate, that leaves both of them out of breath. (y/n) slowly stepping back before turn to walk to her horse she never turn her head to look back again after. Lady Catelyn and others bid them farewell, then they slowly leaving Robb that still standing there at the big gate seeing his fiancé farther and farther away. He still stands there hoping that (y/n) would turn her head one last time, when the sight of them almost gone he saw that she turn her head. He smiled, even though he knows that (y/n) won't see it but still he smiled and wave his hand to her.

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