The New Beginning of Lockhart

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After days of journey from Winterfell to Lockhart (y/n) finally arrived at her home. The Guards welcome her arrival, and when she finally got to the big door of the castle. His father Hand Sir Nieven already there waiting for (y/n) with his concerned face. (y/n) quickly go to her father's chamber and when she's there she saw her father lay helplessly on his bed, his face pale, his lips were cracked. "Papa I'm here." (y/n) said she holds her father's hands and give it a gentle squeeze to wake him up. King Gaelin slowly open his eyes, he cracked a weak smile when he saw her daughter healthy, a bit chubbier than before he knows that she's being treated right by the Starks, he knows that Robb make her happy. King Gaelin wiped her daughter's tears that starts to messed her pretty face. "Don't cry (y/n/n),I'm here..." Said King Gaelin, his voice sounded so weak.

The maester watched them silently from the door that jar opened, now that he princess are here though that he wanted to tell her an important matter about her father. He knocked the door for 2 times, before coming in. "Princess, can I have a moment with you?" (y/n) nods, she wiped her remaining tears before leaving her father side and follow the maester. "What is it Barrin, is my father will be alright?" she impatiently asked.

"Princess....King Gaelin he suffer from an oddly disease, when I check his blood it seems like he been given of some poison. The poison are deadly and from what I studied, he been consuming the poison for about a 7 days without him knowing it." She's shocked, hearing this news all at once hurts her, but she gained her courage to asked more about it. "What's the name of the poison may be? Can it be possibly cured by any tonic or anything?"

"After what I studied and observed his grace condition, I'm afraid it's the Deadly Nightshade princess. As for the cure, so far none..." The measter spoke softly, he knows that the truth will makes the princess even more heartbroken. "Whoever poison the King make sure that the King consume it in small dose everyday just so the King slowly getting ill and this person hopefully that no one will suspect anything but instead took the King's death because of ill. Whoever this person maybe my lady, they're not fool."

"Does anyone know about this before me?" She sternly asked, the master shakes his head which gave her a good starts. She's afraid that if anybody knows about this, it may be the traitor. "Tell Ser Vaeril, Lady Auriel and Nieven to meet me at the throne room at midnight." The maester bow his head to the princess, stepping a 3 steps back before turn to walk and find them.

(Y/n) were already waiting in the throne room, sitting on the throne. Ser Vaeril shows up first then followed by Lady Auriel, Vaeril assistant for the Kings guard crew and lastly Nieven and Barrin the maester. "Princess." Ser Vaeril said, then slightly bow to her then followed by the others. (y/n) stands, gracefully fixing her dress before slowly walks closer to them. "I summoned all of you with purpose. For I trust you with my life, the news that I would share are private no one should know this such information except for all of you." Ser Vaeril and the others put right hand to their chest and said "I vowed to keep it a secret until the last day of my life."

"As you may know the King terribly ill, but our maester, Barrin believed that the King are being poisoned for 7 days in a row......." She stopped for a while, her voice cracked when she's about to say the hurtful truth that will happen to her father. "Barrin said there's no cure for such poison for now...and the King only have two or three days to live." She continued, her eyes were red the tears start to form but yet she able to keep it together and remain strong. Ser Vaeril saw (y/n) in a verge of tears, how he wish he could give her a warm embrace and whisper a comfort words to her but he knows where he stands, he was just a Kings Guard that swear an oath to her to keep the the princess (y/n) safe. The atmosphere were quite, Lady Auriel looks extremely upset when she heard the news, she affected by it because he loves the King as her own father, the King took a really good care of her when she was just a child. She pretty much grew up with the princess but of course in different purpose, when she's a teen Lady Auriel swore an oath to protect the Kings and the princess till the rest of her life that at least the things she can do to return the kindness that the King and the princess had given. "Ser Vaeril, Lady Auriel keep your eye up find the traitor, check all the suspected visitors list and do not tell the crew about this, Nieven try your best to be an ear to everyone dig as much information you can get and lastly Barrin I wanted you to try your best to find the cure, check the visitors list in the physicians room, check all the potion, the poison, any proof that will brings the traitor to face the court and to face me." (y/n) said sternly, she looks in rage and upset in the same time. After thousand years of living in a peaceful Kingdom she never expect the nightmare would come and haunt her. After planning and discussing what should and shouldn't be done, the princess dismissed the meeting leaving her alone in the throne room.

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