Until Eternity

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The long awaited day finally arrived. The queen delivered the baby safely, it's a boy his eyes was blue just like Robb's eyes. The queen named him Cenric. The baby boy is easy to be taken care of, Sansa said he's such an easy child. As the baby grow, his soft curl hair starts to show the baby took Robb's gene so much except for the colour of the child's hair is the same colour of the queen's hair.


That day the queen decided to visit her people on the town, the people were so happy that the queen delivered the baby safely they even presented her and the baby gifts too. This is her first time out of castle, after baby Cenric was born. Sansa pay her a visit this moon claiming that she missed his nephew. The last time she visited Lockhart was 5 moons ago when she received the news about the queen and baby Cenric. Sansa babysitting her nephew in a castle while (y/n) out for his duty that day. Her carriage now are full of gifts from the people, some of them giving them flowers, a new pair of baby clothes from the seamstress, fresh bread, and perfume oils.

After the visit, the queen asked her men to stop by the river. She slowly dismounted from the horse, then make her way to the river. The water was shallow and it clears, she can see what's underneath the water the fish, the rocks and twigs. She took a deep breath with her eyes close enjoying the peaceful moment. The guards were standing far back giving the Queen privacy, then she heard a heavy footsteps along with the sounds of the armor clinking.

She turns her head to look who's the one that stepping closer, when she sees Vaeril she smiles. Vaeril, the Queensguard, her close friend. He smile as he took his place to stand beside (y/n). "The river still beautiful as it always been. I remember when we used to play here with Auriel." He said, his gaze were focus on the river admiring the beautiful scenery, a small smile tugging on his lips. "Yes...she's in the better place now along with others." The Queen replied.

There was a silence moment between the queen and Vaeril but it was a comfortable moment of silence indeed. After a while Vaeril slowly turn his body to face the queen. "(y/n)..." He said softly, it was almost like a whisper but enough for (y/n) to hear. She turn to look at Vaeril, his face looks like he's in dilemma. "Are you alright?" she asked. Vaeril's grip on the head of his sword tighten. "I just wanted to say that I will be always by your side, no matter what. I will always make sure you and baby Cenric safe. I...I don't know how to say this to you." He now look down to his feet thinking about what proper words he should use and say. "What is it?" The queen asked, her voice were soft. "My Queen, I love you. I always have. If you would give me a chance to love you, to love baby Cenric as my own, to actually care for you more than just my queen. I know I shouldn't have this feelings, but I can't help it. I really do care for you, now if you give me a chance your grace?" He finally confessed to (y/n).

She looks a bit surprised with what Vaeril just said to her. She didn't expect Vaeril would felt that way towards her, if she recalls back Vaeril always been like him today strict, professional, discipline and he never show her any hint of him showing interest to her. "Vaeril..." She said, he slowly look up his gaze were on the queen's sweet face. The queen slowly touches his hand holding it tight and says "Vaeril, my loyal knight, my true friend and my protector. I do appreciate your feelings toward me, I do appreciate your good intentions to keep me and baby Cenric always safe. I really do. But my heart always belongs to Robb my husband, I love him so much and I promise to love him till the last day of my life just like he did." She says as she gives a final squeeze on his hand. Vaeril slowly nod to her, he try his best to not look hurt but of course he failed to cover it. "You can always love baby Cenric, and you can play with him when you're free." She said as she slowly letting go of Vaeril's hand. When he heard that he slowly crack another smile, a genuine one. He nod again agreeing with what the Queen just said. "Come let's head to the palace" The Queen said then she lead the way to the rest of the guards.

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