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I bang the glass on the table

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I bang the glass on the table. "Another one!" I wipe my mouth after a long chug of chilled beer that ran smoothly down my throat.

"Wow! She's the girl!" One of the tough-looking men on the other side cheers, highly amused.

I grin, feeling so refreshed.

"Refill the lady's glass," Mr I-give-orders-around-here says, laughing loudly at my expense.

His name is Marlow, actually, and he's the owner of this place.

Red's face twists into a displeased look. "You've had enough, Madam," he mutters, scowling at me.

"Shhh!" I hiss at him, leaning closer to his face.  "Don't call me madam! You are my husband, remember?" I murmur, and my mood is at its sublime after the big glass of beer.

We're seated across from one another, the worn-out, wooden table too small to serve us a decent space.

Red sighs heavily, reclining back in his seat. Staring at me with his blazing eyes, he suddenly huffs a very tiny laugh, turning my eyes wide in utter stun.

No, I didn't imagine it, did I? My eyebrows arch as I try to make my slightly intoxicated brain into proper use. Red laughing? I mean, huffing? Or whatever it was? This is incredible.

"What?" he quizzes upon my too-fixed gaze that's eating him alive. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He's back to serious Mr. Bodyguard, but a gleam of mischief remains in his now-smoldering eyes, resembling a cooling volcano.

"I've never seen you laugh. And it's been three months since I met you," I reply earnestly, amazed.

He snorts, he scoffs, but laughing for real isn't something I've been lucky enough to see. At times I wonder if it's because I'm his boss that he treats me rather coldly in pretense of respect.

Or perhaps the other way around?

His lips part slightly, as though he's about to say something, but the words refuse to lurch out. Damn! I frown mentally, for I'm dying to hear him talk, or say something.

Just anything.

"Here is your refill, ma'am!" Simone, a blonde bartender, places another glass on the table with a big grin.

"Thanks, man!" I grin back, wiggling my ass with pleasure, ready to down another.

I want to forget the world I live in and get lost into this foreign land. I feel invisible here: no one knows me, except my bodyguard, and no one gives a damn about who I may be.

Mrs. Mia Kingston? I left her in Portland. I  here I'm Mrs. Red.

To me it's more than freedom. It's like the air I breathe. I'm so fed up with the fake smiles wherever I go, people worshiping my steps just because I'm the wife of some notorious businessman.

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