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Kenna and I sit down in silence like church mice

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Kenna and I sit down in silence like church mice. How I wish the stillness would prevail for a good while, just me, just my overbearing thoughts without limits, and just nothingness as to no avail do I find the way out of this shaft of confusion.

I need an escape, but how? Should I just ignore Anne and pretend she's just nuts and desperate? Or should I just meet her and hear what she really wants? But then again, what can possibly happen if Patrick learns about my affair with Red?

Kill me? Or kill Red? Or kill us both?

"It's going to get really ugly if this gets out, Mia," Kenna murmurs, interrupting my inner debate. I glance at her mutely. "It may ruin everything regarding the divorce procedure, and I'm speaking this as a lawyer, not your friend."

"I know, Kenna. But in any regard, I'm sure Patrick will know everything by tomorrow since Anne knows about me and Red already." Tired in body and mind, I stand up in a sluggish motion. "I think it's over now. I'll just wait and see what happens next because I'm done cowering and hiding my feelings."

"Wait, what?" Kenna snaps with stunned eyes, gazing up at me. "Anne knows? How?"

"I don't know," I say softly while sliding my feet into a pair of white flip-flops. "I need some fresh air. I made dinner so it should be good to eat if you just microwave it."

I grab a cardigan and car keys before stepping out. It's already dark, the sky adorned with the faint sparkle of early stars twinkling mildly. Feeling unsorted, I hit on the ignition and drive away through the chilled neighborhood.

I don't know where I'm going, but I know I need to go anywhere I can just to find an outlet to my miserable emotions. Staying sober has become more intoxicating than a bit of Margaritas that could've been useful tonight.

"What timing you have, Red Junior." I muffle a laugh, subconsciously wondering if my baby is a boy—as handsome as his daddy. "Or another me, perhaps?" Now I laugh out loud.

Doesn't matter, baby. My love for you is already unconditional—it'll always be.

Later past midnight is when I return to the apartment. Kenna jolts awake from the couch and scrambles up to her feet. Anger and relief crosses her face as if she's dodged a stone from a crazy woman in the street, and I know I'm the reason behind.

"Where have you been, Mia? Do you know how worried I've been? And why's your phone off?" Her voice reverberates and agitatedly she runs a hand through her hair, giving me a pitiful look. "Are you okay?" She lowers her voice with concerns.

I shut the door behind me while answering, "My battery died. I lost count of all the places I drove through tonight, so I don't know where I was. I guess I could've made it home to my mom if I decided to just drive back to New Orleans." A rueful laugh loosens my tight chest.

It wasn't bad at all. I'm feeling better than before.

"Mia . . ." Kenna utters sadly. She's bunked into a pair of plaid pajamas that may probably be Christian's, judging from their size. "You can't let yourself be defeated so easily when the battle hasn't even started. You can't—"

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