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"Where have you been?" My husband deadpans, a glacier look on his face

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"Where have you been?" My husband deadpans, a glacier look on his face.

"Around," I reply crisply.

"Around?" he scoffs, annoyed. "Mia—"

"I'm not in the mood for this, Patrick! Please," I snap, cutting him off with a sharp glare. "I'm tired and I need to sleep."

Momentarily Patrick seems to be pondering as he drinks me in with his intense look. His gaze glides all over my body, from head to toes, and I stand still, watching him with firm eyes.

And slowly he releases a soft breath, marching closer toward where I'm standing. He looks extremely mad but his face softens when he finally stands before me.

"I don't wanna argue with you anymore. I hate it. I'm tired of it, too," he says in a calm, pacifying voice. I inhale sharply at the sudden shift of his demeanor. Removing a hand from his pants' pocket, he adds, "I just want things to go back the way they used to be before. Can't we do that, Mia?"

"Before what?" I utter, my tone dry as nothing changes in me despite his grand efforts to alter our situation. "Tell me, Patrick. You want us to go back in time when I had no idea you were still fucking Elena and many other sluts you come across in and out of Portland? Or the time when you weren't meddling with my affairs like a tyrant husband you have become? Or the time when you actually cared for my opinion in everything that concerned me . . . or us? Which time do you want us to go back at?" Again I fail to control my composure.

He keeps turning me into this hysterical woman and I hate it.

"I'm a bastard, I know. I've hurt you so many times and I'm not proud of it, Mia." Patrick stares down at his shoes, and at this moment I don't see the confident businessman worshiped by many. When he lifts his eyes I see another look of him that I can hardly explain. "Please forgive me. I can bear anything but losing you in my life. No, I won't be able to take that. I'll do anything you ask of me but don't ever walk away from me."

Patrick Kingston is pleading. How I want to believe him and pretend everything wrong with us has been a horrible nightmare, hug him tight and forget it all as though it doesn't exist.

He's making me emotional and I don't want to be a victim of his lies anymore. Can someone like him change? Can he actually stop fucking around and give me the respect I deserve? And can I do the same with him after getting more than intimate with my bodyguard?

"I don't know if our marriage is repairable, Patrick," I reply with all honesty, folding my arms across my chest. "I don't think you're capable of doing the things I want you to do. I believe I'm not a woman enough for you and that's why you constantly search for another.'' Tears prick my eyes as I recall the sight of his ex wife riding him on his office chair.

I felt defeated, given that Elena always slurred in my face that I was only Patrick's momentary toy that he was soon going to cast aside as he did her.

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