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As the jeep keeps breezing through the heavy Portland rain I turn to face Red

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As the jeep keeps breezing through the heavy Portland rain I turn to face Red. We haven't spoken a word since we abandoned the hotel room, and I'm sure his dismal blackish mood has everything to do with Patrick.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

The car is heading south and I'm not sure where exactly. Obviously it's not a way to his house, nor to anyone I know.

"Somewhere," he replies, his eyes uncooperative with my stubborn glance.

"Just . . . Somewhere?" I stifle a laugh because I'm not sure how else to react.

Do I even care where he's taking me? I hardly think so.

"Have you had lunch today?" Red asks, his voice dominant enough to make me feel like I'm his only little pet to care.

I don't respond. Mainly because I only had juice—if that counts as lunch then I'm all in.

Red glares at me. "Of course, you didn't," he snaps quietly and heaves an exasperated sigh. "I guess I'll have to take you back to the hospital since taking care of your health is nothing you can handle. What should I do with you, huh?"

I roll my eyes.

"You can start by stopping to worry about every little thing I do or don't do, maybe? I'm not gonna die for missing one lunch, Red. And if you're planning to take me out of the city, please don't. I also wish I could go away but I have to go to the office tomorrow and it's very important."

We're almost starting the production of the new collection so I need to work hand in hand with my team. This moment is very crucial and I can't miss anything. Despite the chaos in my personal life, my business is still the center of my focus right now.

Especially if I need my finances to stay stable for the present and future.

"I know, Mia Vera. Calm down, will you? I'm not taking you anywhere out of Portland. "What will you have for dinner?"

"Um . . . Pizza?" It just slips but no regret stays. He gives me a sharp condescending look. "Yes, pizza. I want it full topped with everything except poison."

A bright laugh from Red nearly turns into giggles. "Okay," he says coolly, a smile lingering on his lips.

I smile back and his attention returns to the road.

Slowly I recline back and hug myself. Despite all the distress, having him by my side makes it all okay. If it's music, then he's the sweetest and calmest melody capable of turning any song into a lullaby. He's that great to me and I wonder what my life without him will look like.

Maybe pale and gruesome?

Fog is everywhere, and it's raining badly now. The afternoon feels like the end of the day—yet I love how liberating this weather is for my mood. I just want to be inside, melt in a certain warmth that my body and mind desire, close my eyes and drift into a place where Patrick can't see or find me.

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