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Gently, Red lays next to me in a zero distance

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Gently, Red lays next to me in a zero distance. Jesus! My brain frosts when his big, strong arms scoot me to his side, sending a quick chill down my spine as he envelopes my slender body.

My back is pressed onto his chest, my butt tightly against his . . . Holy fuck, Mia! How outrageous! I mentally chastise myself while catching a soft breath, my body still in his comforting brace.

I did not see this coming. I'm unable to move or say a word; I'm suddenly taciturn, my petulant brooding replaced by this bliss in a blink. He's so warm. I could stay in his arms forever.

It simply feels safe.

"Everything will be fine," Red whispers, his voice deeper and assuring, derailing my so-not healthy trance.

I sniff, oblivious that I was in tears just a moment ago. Way to go, Mia! I take another deep breath to pull myself together, making sure I don't melt easily.

"Go to sleep now," says Red while fixing the covers on us both.

Sleep? How do I sleep when my sexy bodyguard is holding me the way every woman dreams to be held by a man? No, I can't sleep.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" I break the pin drop silence after a short while.

Red doesn't respond right away, but eventually he acquiesces. "Ask," he says coolly.

I can feel his heartbeat, the sound of his breath quite a resplendent tune to my ears, and I love how his chin grazes the top of my head.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I ask and bite my bottom lip.

Why am I suddenly curious about his privacy? I wait patiently.

"No, I don't," Red answers.

Oh? I flush scarlet.

"Married? Or been married before?" I continue, and I'm definitely looking for trouble.

"None of the two." Red's voice is cool and direct.

"I see." I'm strangely respited by these few facts. What a fool! "Is Red your real name?" I decide to quench more of my long preserved curiosity.

Silence answers.

Jeez! Is that a difficult question or what?

"It's my code name," he finally replies.

"Code name?" I want to roll over and face him but he shifts closer and hugs me tighter.

I stay still, relishing this display of intimacy without a name. What are we doing? I know it's an illicit affair but why don't I care?

"Sleep, Mia," Red articulates dismissively.

I suck in a sharp breath at the sound of my name. Will I ever get used to it? Boy, it's very lascivious coming from his lips.

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