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My eyes wander toward the TV in search of a distraction from my thoughts

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My eyes wander toward the TV in search of a distraction from my thoughts. Keeping Up With the Kardashians is still aired but I find no comfort in their family drama. I'm still stuck at the few magical words that have easily turned my world around.

Clearly that wasn't exactly what I bargained for when I asked Red to tell me something about himself. And now that he has told me the thing I was deeply yearning to hear from him, I'm not really sure how it makes me feel, for I'm restless.

I knew I would love him blindly the moment he says he loves me, too, and it's exactly what I see right now. He's someone I know absolutely nothing about, yet he's the only person I want to love and trust fully. Sighing, I hug my feet tightly.

Kenna returns from the kitchen with two drinks in glasses. "It's non alcoholic, don't worry. I figured you don't want to drink lately—something wrong?" she asks me while handing me one of the glasses containing tropical juice or something.

"So many things are wrong but don't worry about it. Thank you." I smile softly and take a sip.

Cold and refreshing. How I wish this could solve every problem of mine like a sweet magical potion that can erase some memories when you need them no more.

Kenna sits next to me and says, "You really had me worried today. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I smile again, nodding my head gently.

A long breath leaves Kenna's lips. Contemplatively, we both stay in silence.

I just wonder when this kind of life will be over. I surely miss peace and normalcy.

"When Bill called me saying he couldn't find you, I thought something bad happened! And who's that guy who brought you here?" Kenna continues.

I expected her to bombard me with questions, but I didn't know that it would be a little hard to answer them as I should. Either way, I'm glad nothing bad has happened, and Bill was patient enough to wait for Kenna's instructions upon my disappearance.

"Did Red call you?" I ask Kenna, for I found her and Bill right here waiting for me.

"Of course he did. He said you're fine and you'll be here soon," Kenna answers, exasperated. She sighs sharply, her eyes on me. "You were about to go to Patrick? Bill told me you were at his company."

I drink a bit of my juice and place the glass on the coffee table. I think I'm getting sick again and it's the last thing I need right now. My skin is still warm—too warm, I might add—and I have no appetite at all.

"I wanted to see Derek, but I think it was a stupid move," I say thoughtfully, wondering what I'd have gained if I confronted him as I planned. "I'm glad I didn't do it."

"Red sent that guy to stop you?" Kenna inquires. I shrug, not sure if that was Luca's intention or if it just happened as a coincidence. "Anyways, I think he's still protecting you even if he's out of here. Maybe I can understand why you're head over heels, my friend. He sounds like a good guy . . . And nuts about you."

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