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"Why should I leave my own house? Care to explain?" Fear hides behind the bold voice I make as I talk to Patrick on the phone

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"Why should I leave my own house? Care to explain?" Fear hides behind the bold voice I make as I talk to Patrick on the phone.

"Because you're one hell of a hard-headed woman I've ever met! Fuck you, Mia! What were you thinking going to that fucking cabin in the woods with your bodyguard? Just the two of you, Mia! Are you fucking kidding me?" Patrick goes ballistic, anger reverberating through the speakers of my phone.

I swallow hard. How the fuck does he find out about everything I do? Well, maybe not everything, but most of them. Who did he talk to this time? Red? No, I doubt. Maybe he spoke to Bill.

"And so what?" I retort. "What difference does it make whether I'm with my bodyguard or any other person in this place?" I open the balcony doors with too much pressure than actually needed.

"Oh, it surely does, Mia! I cannot let my wife stay under the same roof with some fucker, you hear?" Patrick lashes. "You sent Bill away just to be with him, didn't you?"

What the fuck! I feel angered even more at the way he speaks.

"And what are you insinuating, you asshole?" I snap, even though I've got no right to feel transgressed by his allegation.

I'm not innocent.

"I don't want to say it out loud because I do trust you, Mia." His voice turns low and less judicial. "I know you're not some sleazy woman like Elena who—"

"Stop, Patrick, I don't want to hear anything about your ex-wife!" I bark, for it's the last thing I need right now. "If you trust me as you say then stop this nonsense! You know I need this moment, don't you? I need to feel peaceful and this is the only place I get to think things through." The rainy breeze hits my skin as I reach outside the balcony.

"But under those circumstances, Mia? Dammit! How should I explain myself to you that I can't stand the idea of you being alone with any other man except me!" Patrick's words make me huff with amusement despite feeling vexed.

He's so shameless!

"Oh, you don't say," I remark, folding my one arm on my chest. "So the Baron can fool around with his mistresses, his ex-wife, and God knows who else, but I can't even sleep under the same roof with another man, right?"


"Have you considered that I could've had a threesome with Bill and Red together if your problem is the fact that I'm with one of them alone?" I mutter, highly annoyed by his patronizing and overbearing persona.

"Mia, don't you dare speak to me like that!" Patrick roars. "Just because I give in to whatever you want doesn't mean you can talk to me however you please! Don't test my patience." The menace in his voice sends me chills as I heave a soft breath.

No, I can't let him control my life more than he already does.

"I'm the one who gives in to everything you want, Patrick! I'm the one who's got no say as long as the Baron decides what's good for everyone around him! If you think I'm not what you want me to be, then divorce me!" I say, my heart beating fast against my chest.

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