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For the first time in a good while Patrick and I managed to have a decent conversation

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For the first time in a good while Patrick and I managed to have a decent conversation. This time we talked and listened to each other, no shouts and yelling involved. At least this has lifted the fact that I've been seeing him as an enemy, and now he's just a man who's made a lot of mistakes.

But I still don't know where to put him.

The Rolls pulls over in front of my office building. Patrick has been too silent throughout our ride back, wistfully lost into his own trance. He finally discerns where we are and casts me a soft glance, a small smile on his face. I wait for his bodyguard to open the door so I can leave.

"At what time will you get off from the office?" he inquires.

It sounds like an ordinary couple talking.

"I'm not sure. I have so much to do this week so my schedule is unsorted," I reply matter-of-factly. He looks foiled. "Why?" I ask.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to have dinner with you tonight. Well, I'll be home early because I feel exhausted after the trip," he says, and I can see the fatigue through his striking silver eyes.

"Get some rest then." I find the door open, and as I start moving, Patrick holds me still by the arm. "What?" I ask softly, a bit startled by his fondling gaze.

"I love you," he whispers, and it's like my breath is taken away at the way he says it—full of emotions.

I gulp tightly. "It's easier said than done, because I've heard that before. Have a nice day, Patrick." I slowly make my exit and maintain my composure as I should.

I can't let him fool me with his sweet words. Not anymore.

My heels echo loudly as I walk through the whirling glass doors of the building. It's undeniable that the talk I had with Patrick has succeeded to stir my thoughts. I can't stop thinking of my situation with him and it's tough to even try.

When I arrive in my office Red is nowhere to be seen. I suck in a deep breath, glancing at every corner with thwarted feelings. Why is my emotional life so messed up? My lips stretch into laughter as I think of everything happening—of these two men to be precise.

But that can wait for now because I have something important to do. Swiftly, I lurch toward my desk and scramble for my cell phone. It's about time I get some answers from Detective Smith. Immediately I make a call and patiently wait while roaming near the window.

"Mrs. Kingston?" His voice regards me.

"Yes," I reply coolly. "Can we meet this afternoon instead? Preferably in my office, if you don't mind." I go straight to the point.

He sighs soundly. "I don't know what you're expecting to find out, but I'm obligated to answer any of your questions as the victim of one of my cases, so . . . okay, I'll see you this afternoon."

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