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My big dusky eyes stare back at me through the large mirror of my bathroom vanity

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My big dusky eyes stare back at me through the large mirror of my bathroom vanity. I'm fully dressed in a white blazer dress with a matching belt and nude scarpin heels. I tie my hair into a messy bun, leaving a few strands loose-a perfect match for my simple makeup.

"It's a new day. No more brooding, Mia," I breathe soundly and my chest slowly relaxes. "You're brave. You're bold. You're beautiful." Eyes fixed firmly on the woman I call my reflection, I take a deep breath and smile tightly.

This is it. Head high-we can do this. I get my handbag and leave.

Bill is already outside waiting, looking young and glorious. He is wearing a T-shirt and jeans, for I gave him and Red permission to dress however comfortable they felt, as none of the two seem to fancy wearing a suit. Frankly, I prefer it this way.

As Bill looks at me, his eyes gleam instantly, but he quickly recovers by clearing his throat. I smile. I'm used to this kind of reaction from men so it's nothing new or thrilling anymore. Well, maybe except for one person who's proved me wrong lately.

"Lexus doesn't work?" I quiz when I see the white BMW X7 instead of my usual car.

"It needs service," Bill replies while shoving his mobile in the back pocket of his jeans. "Good morning, ma'am."

"Morning," I answer and he is already opening the backdoor for me. "And Red?" I focus on my cellphone as I clamber inside, throwing my purse on the seat.

"There he is." Bill shuts the door and my eyes follow his gaze.

Red is emerging from inside the house, talking to Imelda and that blonde whose smile is brighter than the morning itself. Easy, Mia. You can't lose control over some girl in a pretty pink skirt. I'm suddenly emboldened as I sit my ass properly like a fine lady I am.

Breathe in, breathe out.

I don't look at Red even when he finally settles on the front passenger seat. I ignore all the riotous feeling of wanting to behold that hot face of his like the last cookie in the jar. It's hard, I can't lie to myself, but I want to be at my best this morning.

It's an important day today-no distraction! I make a mental reminder.

"How are you doing, Madam?" Red asks gently, facing me probably.

"I'm good. Shall we, Bill? I have a meeting at nine," I utter dryly, my eyes still on my cell phone.

"Yes, yes." Bill roars the engine and in a moment we're heading outside the gates.

Fifteen minutes pass until we're at my workplace. A modern building located in downtown Portland, I'm glad I could manage a great office space with the perfect city view from up above. Red holds the door open and our eyes meet for the first time in a while.

As always, his strong gaze burns my composure. Sexy wizard!

I suck in a sharp breath when my fingers graze his hand while getting out. Fuck, what kind of spell does he use? A single touch and I'm rippling with a stormy carnal? No, I can do this! I can stay professional until the end of this day-I guess?

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