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As we finish the meeting, I see hope in everyone's face

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As we finish the meeting, I see hope in everyone's face. As content as I can be, the worry is also enormous in my unsettled heart. This trust they have in me is a lot of responsibility, I must confess. But as the CEO I've got to fulfill my duties accordingly.

"Excuse me," Anne says softly, her mobile on her ear. "Hello." With a blushing smile she leaves first.

Red is standing on the corridor as Josh and I exit the boardroom upon the end of our short meeting. His intense gaze asks if everything went okay, and my eyes smile at him as a positive return. He gives me a soft nod.

"Later, Josh. Sort out which supplier would be best in regard to our budget," I tell my marketing director.

"Sure thing, Mia. I'll get into it right away," he replies meekly and grins playfully at me. "I'm glad you're back with energy. You were missed." He sounds earnest.

"Thanks." I grin back and then face my assistant. "Leslie, my coffee please."

"Yup." Leslie scurries off with so much energy.

She amazes me.

I'm leaning over my office table, my palms resting on the smooth marble of its top surface, lost in deep thoughts. Wistfully, my gaze is fixed on the prominent Portland skyscrapers through the floor-to-ceiling window, the sky so bright and blue.

A knock on the door manages to pull me out of my trace.

"May I?" Red's voice pools a small smile in me as I turn around to meet his outstanding profile.

"Hmm." I nod my assent.

A scowl settles on his face, his jaw tight. "Everything okay?" He shuts the door behind him, apprehensive of my state.

"Yeah." My voice is velvet without much enthusiasm. Crossing my arms, I lean my butt onto the edge of my desk. "It went okay, but I wonder if everything will be back to normal," I confess, and it's like I can't hide my true emotions whenever Red is around.

His presence makes me strong and vulnerable at the same time; I don't feel the need to pretend. If it's black, it's black, and if it's white, it's white—there's no gray when I'm with him.

Without a word Red strides toward me and my arms automatically stretch open to hug his waist. I rest my face on his chest, shutting my eyes at this serendipity of his body warmth.

"I believe in you, Mia Vera," he breathes, kissing the top of my head while rubbing my back smoothly. "You'll make this work."

"I hope. I surely hope so," I murmur, relishing his soothing presence by hugging tighter.

When I gaze up at him I see something in his eyes that I haven't seen before. It's not salacious, it's not playful, it's simply new and touching—an unwavering countenance.

"What?" he asks gently, cupping my face with his palms as though I'm his little kitten.

"I need you," I utter haphazardly, my voice softer. "I really do. You make me stronger, Red."

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