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He called my name

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He called my name.

He just called my name, didn't he? It's quite inexplicable how this makes me feel. I'm floating in clouds as my entire body lightens in his tantalizing hold.

"Say it again," I breathe huskily, my eyes and Red's locked tightly.

"Mia . . ." Red repeats like a docile servant, tugging at the stubborn strands of my hair that frames my face.

Lord, I melt when his strong fingers graze on my skin, the flames of his blazing ember eyes burning my every resolution to stay indifferent at his presence.

Nothing seems to exist as his lips near mine, gently, a scowl on his face as though he's in the stiff battle between his uttermost desire and decorum.

Kiss me, please.

Oh fuck, what am I thinking of? I'm a married woman! I may have a crooked husband but I'm still branded as his and this shouldn't happen! But why do I crave for Red?

I'm impatiently waiting for his lips to possess mine, to kiss me deeply with any vehemence portrayed in his eyes full of exciting, venereal desire.

But Red suddenly snaps out of this salacious spell and pulls back. "I'm sorry," he says while tugging me into a balanced stance. What? "The shower works now. I'll be outside." He frees my body and I feel bereft.

"You—" I open my mouth to foolishly protest his attempt to leave, and my heart is in pain as he looks back at me with a hard frown.

His face is painted with remorse. He's obviously regretting what he was about to do; for almost kissing me. I ought to understand him, I know this much, but strangely I don't want to. I feel rejected.

"Alright. Thanks," I mutter, sibilantly. He leaves without looking back. "Oh God." I lean recklessly against the cold tiled-wall, my palms on my burning cheeks. I feel hot and cold at the same time, angered and shortchanged.

What's happening? Why am I angry at this lost moment? My heart beats rapidly as fear engulfs me. Am I falling for my bodyguard?

No, it can't be. I'm just physically attracted to him. He's an irresistible man, that's all.

"Right?" I breathe like a fool, convincing my heart to learn some restraints.

I anticipated my shower to be calm and relaxing, but it turned out to be the contrary. I can't believe I'm more perturbed by Red's reaction rather than my serious unsolved problems.

You can't fall for him, Mia. I sigh heavily while rubbing my soaked hair. The shower is off and it's time I step out. I quickly pluck the towel and wrap it around my nude body.

Red is my bodyguard and whether I like it or not I am still married to Patrick Kingston—the man who wouldn't hesitate killing him—if he ever learns of my altered feelings.

My Bodyguard| 18+✓ Where stories live. Discover now