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Marlow offers me his kindest smile as we bid him goodbye

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Marlow offers me his kindest smile as we bid him goodbye. "Do come back anytime, Lady, huh?" he says.

"I surely will whenever I pass by," I answer truthfully, for I indeed enjoyed my stay here.

"Good." He grins and looks up at Red, who's still impassive. "Take care of babymama, huh? She's a good one I tell yah."

Oh boy! If he only knew.

Red holds the front passenger door open for me but I choose to sit in the back. He's surprised by this, but he says nothing. Shutting the door slowly, he walks toward the driver's side, slips in, and starts the engine right away.

Our ride to Astoria turns rather sullen than ever before. I'm facing the window, my head filled with so many things to sort out, and Red is highly focused on the road, a small frown on his face must be evident.

I am trying my best not to think of last night. I've got a lot to worry about—my collapsing business for instance, and yet it's still impossible to stave off the memory of Red inside me.

"Oh God," I breathe as I shift a bit, and immediately Red's gaze is onto the rearview mirror.

He looks at me and I look at him, but none of us open our mouths.

I hope he's not feeling guilty after what we shared last night. I don't want him to forget it, because I don't think I can even if the world turns upside-down. His kisses, his caresses, they're all emblazoned in my mind.

"I had to tell him so that he wouldn't doubt you . . . Doubt us," Red says in a low, guarded voice, his eyes still in the rearview.

Huh? What is he talking about? I'm too absentminded to understand.

"Your husband," he clears upon my inquiring scowl.

"Oh?" I mutter without much interest in the subject. "I get it." All I desire to know is what's on his mind.

How does he feel whenever he looks at me with those intelligent, blazing eyes? His past, his present, and even the things with deep, dark shades of red concerning his life—I want to know them all.

"Do you . . ." I start but my courage withers at the thought of something dreadful happening if Patrick learns of my secret involvement with Red. I shall never let it happen. "Never mind." I recline back thwarted, ignoring Red's expectant look.

Maybe it's better I try to forget about the sex we had, I decide. Oh, how easier said than done! I can hear my inner voice loud and clear making fun of me. Not after that unusually exquisite sex with the man who isn't your husband!

Nothing new goes on until we're finally in Astoria. I'm still wide awake, heedful, as the car pulls in front of a two storey house made of black-painted wild wood and translucent glass—a modern cabin in the woods.

I sigh softly at the sight, my butt stuck on the seat. Long churning trees, birds twittering merrily, and the soothing breeze are what make this place a pure tranquility. I come here whenever I need solitude and peace of mind.

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