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The taxi hauls over but I'm suddenly reluctant to hop in

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The taxi hauls over but I'm suddenly reluctant to hop in. It dawns on me that I've got no single penny and my cell phone isn't with me either. How am I going to pay for it? Sighing, I slam the door shut, quitting.

Now what? Frustration sears through me.

"Get in," Red snaps from behind me. As I turn around he adds, "You can either go with me to your hotel, or stay here until your beloved husband takes you in his extravagant Rolls Royce. The choice is yours."

"You've got some nerves to be sarcastic with me," I whisper between my teeth, watching him clutching the door handle with eyes focused on my face.

He's smirking—this bastard.

"I do. Or else I wouldn't be your bodyguard," he replies curtly, no mirth on his face, yet the devastating playfulness remains in his smoldering eyes. "Get in." He widens the door open for me.

I suck in a deep breath, composing myself. How I'm dying to retaliate! But he knows I'm out of options, so I slowly comply with his demand.

I settle in, and he shuts the door afterwards. Through the other one he also hopes in the backseat with me, so we're seated together.

"Heathman Hotel," he tells the driver.

"Sure." He responds with an engine roar.

It's still morning as we head to the hotel. My head refuses to take a break from thinking, and my eyes feel too tired to move, so I stay transfixed on the road and whatever that slides by: the stores, the people, and the cars on the twin road.

I'm still trying to take in the fact that I'm pregnant. It drives me insane and I don't know how to go on about it. Honestly, I thought my husband's infidelity would be the biggest blow of my entire existence but apparently it's not.

Perhaps I'm somehow immune to Patrick's inability to keep his dick to himself, and rather he fancies to share it with everyone with swollen breasts. That motherfucker can never survive a week without fucking anyone, can he?

"You hungry?" Red asks, derailing my thoughts with a meek stare.

"No, I'm not," I prompt. But I gotta eat something, even if it's not for myself. "Damn it," I breathe softly while running fingers through my hair, confused inside.

Will I ever get used to this pregnancy that came out of nowhere? Am I even going to keep it? God, I don't know what to do.

"Mia, I know you're mad at me," Red says haltingly. So? I gaze up at him with unimpressed eyes. "But listen, I never—"

"Please don't say anything if it's going to be a lie or another fabricated truth!" I growl, meaning every word I say. "I'm fucking tired of everyone treating me like a fool just because I am dumb enough to believe in people's goodness over evil. So spare me the bullshit, please. If you want us to talk, do tell me something I don't know about you!"

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