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Patrick is at the foyer as I step inside the house

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Patrick is at the foyer as I step inside the house. He's talking to Bill and the abhorrent look he gives me indicates nothing but trouble in paradise.

It's okay. It's nothing I haven't seen before.

"What's going on?" I quiz, and behind me Red emerges.

I study my husband carefully as he looks at Red, nothing definitive to be drawn from his pixelated silver eyes.

"Why isn't your driver with you?" He finally responds.

"Because I gave him a weekend off to be with his family. Is there something wrong with that?" Naturally, my glance finds Bill, whose face is already dismayed from the Baron's interrogation—I suppose.

Patrick doesn't reply, but that fury in his stare replaces his voice. But who cares? He doesn't get to dictate my decisions over the people who work solely for me.

"Hi, Bill. I hope baby Daniel is doing great?" I ask, my smile big yet illusive.

"Very great, Ma'am. Thank you." He beams—the trendy reaction of his whenever he'd speak of his son.

"Good. I am jealous of you, just so you know." I walk past him. Patrick huffs at me, eyes rolling. "What? I do love kids! I'm not a monster," I mutter and off I jump onto the staircase.

Patrick follows as I hear his steps. "Where were you?" he demands coolly, and it sounds like a normal couple talk.

Except that it isn't—with him it never is.

"I was stalking someone." I'm not intending to hide this, strangely. It's a damn gut feeling and I'm following it. I glance at Patrick and add, "Anne. I was spying on her."

"What?" He furrows his face and automatically our steps slow down. I lean against the intricately designed metal handrails of the staircase. "Why would you do that?"

"Because I was curious about something." I shrug, crossing my arms on my chest, wearing a very nonchalant look while scrutinizing his reaction. "Is she dating your son? Because I'm sure the Baron knows everything that goes on to his underlings, doesn't he? Especially with his beloved sons." I grin.

Ptrick laughs briefly, averting his gaze as though I'm talking bullshit. I stay patient, waiting for his eyes that can perhaps give me something. When he turns around, he grazes his thumb across his bottom lip and lets out another huff of laughter.

Whatever he'll say next will be a lie, a blunder—I know him.

"I don't know. And I don't care who Derek fucks around with, Mia. Unless he plans to marry her, of course. That's a different matter." He's dry, a pathological liar.

"I didn't say it's Derek, though." I smile at him. Got you, big baby! "You have two sons, remember?"

In a fraction of a second Patrick looks like a deer caught in the headlights—lips parted, eyes narrowed, thumbs rubbing the index—but quickly he recovers to that intimidating business magnate I'm married to. He leans over to my face, and his firm arms brush to my sides until he's gripping the handrails.

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