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I feel like a child in a pair of brand new shoes as we make our way inside the supermarket

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I feel like a child in a pair of brand new shoes as we make our way inside the supermarket. I haven't stopped grinning like a fool ever since Red slid the sneakers on my feet. Really, I'm having a break from my normality.

I do love shoes. Well, maybe it's because of my job and all, plus having a husband with kinky for long legs in high heels. I wear them more often than any other type of shoes. But Red is right; I should free my legs at times.

Naturally, while thinking of this, my eyes find my bodyguard's, and his stunned eyebrow makes me chuckle. He's become less uptight after our little tête-a-tête outside the car earlier. No more awkwardness and I believe it's much better this way.

"Do you need help?" Red asks when we finally walk in, his face casual and relaxed.

"Yes. Hold the cart for me please," I say and he nods.

This is probably the largest supermarket in the town. I find everything I need for the kitchen and bathrooms, for it's what needs the most attention. I fill the cart with all essentials, a small reminder of my previous life before marrying Patrick.

I miss New Orleans. I miss shopping with my mom in the local market. I miss listening to her mundane gossip, too, about some people we know and the high society ladies going to her salon. Oh, I have to call her later.

"Beef or chicken?" I ask Red while holding the package of each in the air. He looks startled. "Come on! Which one do you like?" I stare expectantly at him.

"I like both," he answers bluntly.

I put both inside the cart, followed by packets of pasta. "Parmesan cheese, spring onions, tomatoes, garlic . . ." I mumble the list to myself to see if there's anything I'm forgetting.

"Why are you putting this aside?" Red inquires about the broccoli I just casted away in the vegetable section.

"Um . . . I don't like it?" I shrug. It's the truth.

As though he wants to roll his eyes, Red takes the fresh bundle of broccoli and puts it inside the cart. I frown incredulously at it, and he flashes me a smile that can shift a mountain.

"It's good for health," he mutters and walks past me while wheeling the cart with so much ease.

"Ha!" I huff at his audacity. "Okay, sir, two can play this game." I blurt, and even though I can't see his face, I'm sure he's smiling.

Now, what do we do with you, Red? I start scratching my brain. Oh, I get it! I know he hates carrots; he'd always put them aside when he eats something with carrots. I grin my evil, sly grin.

"More carrots?" Red laments when I add more in the cart.

"Oh, yes. They're so good for health." My tone is sarcastic, my eyes on his baffled ones. "For your skin, and for your eyesight, too." I wink and walk away towards the other side.

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