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No matter how hard I think, I can't find myself agreeing that Anne would just follow Derek's whim and destroy the business we both strived to build without any ulterior motive

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No matter how hard I think, I can't find myself agreeing that Anne would just follow Derek's whim and destroy the business we both strived to build without any ulterior motive. She's been sleeping with my husband, and that alone can be a reason enough for her choices.

And why would Derek want to harm me? Of course it's because of his mother. Evidently I'm the villain of their family story. Even though I met Patrick as a divorced man, Elena is forever convinced that I was his mistress way before their marriage ended.

So I have two women who hate my guts? Great! A small laughter leaves my lips at the thought, and my phone buzzes just as I finally stand up to leave. It's Mom, and it occurs to me that I haven't called her since forever, and I've never been happier seeing her call than I am now.

"Mom," I breathe while sinking back onto the bench, my eyes moist all of a sudden.

I wanna hug her tightly.

"Yes, honey. I know you're probably working and I'm being a nosy mom and all, but I couldn't wait any more. I wanted to hear your voice—how are you?" Sophie rumbles nonstop.

Swiftly I wipe my tears using the back of my hand while stifling a bittersweet laugh.

"I'm sorry, Mom. Things have been too hectic lately and—" I pause, finding my voice as groggy as though I'm having a flu.

"Are you okay, Mia?" Mom asks worriedly.

I sniff and take a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm good. I mean, it's a bit chilly here and it's about to rain so—"

"Mia Vera Diaz! No me mientas!" she snaps and I know it's impossible to hide my feelings from her.

"I'm not lying, Mom. I'm just . . ." I close my eyes as it's too difficult to explain what I'm feeling inside. I want to run and hide, yet I need to stay and face it all. When I open my eyes I simply say, "I'm not doing fine. My work is a mess and my marriage is a wreck. I don't know what's happening, Mom, but everything is chaotic in my life."

Silence is my mom's response as she waits for me to explain. She's always like that; she prefers letting someone finish before saying her piece of mind.

"Look, I'll call you later and explain. Right now I'm not in a place to talk," I explain urgently, and I realize the sky has darkened.

It's about to rain.

"Okay, honey. I'll be waiting for your call," Mom says quietly. "And before we hang up, I want you to know that you're never alone. I'm here. I love you like nothing else in this world and I'll always take your side no matter what."

Another teardrop flow off my face. "I love you, too, Mom. Later."

I decide to take a walk, hoping it would soothe the fire burning in my heart. I'm not sure where exactly I am, but the sky is as enraged as I am, a dark shade of gray that hides the sun beneath the thick clouds. It looks eerie, yet very comforting.

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