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One of the most prominent skyscrapers in Portland belongs to Patrick Kingston

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One of the most prominent skyscrapers in Portland belongs to Patrick Kingston. A bold 'KINGSTON HOUSE' is engraved on the swirling glass doors of the golden yellow building towering high above. I watch it through the half scrolled car window, my thoughts undecided.

Should I go in and confront Derek for what he did? Why can't I control the rage I'm feeling inside that keeps pushing me to just blow everything out and do the things I couldn't do due to lack of evidence? I want to know why he did it. I want to understand every mystery surrounding me.

"Ma'am, are you sure about this?" Bill stares at me through the rear view mirror.

How will I know if I keep still? Even if I reopen the case against Anne and whoever is involved, will any of the Kingstons be punished as they deserve? No, I'm sure they'll find a scapegoat as they always do, and I'll just waste my time waiting for justice to be served.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I exhale soundly while unclasping my seatbelt. "What will they do to me? Kill me in front of everyone? Wait for me because I won't take long," I tell Bill.

"But Ma'am—"

"If I don't get out in thirty minutes you're free to call the cops . . . Or 911. Whichever you prefer." I clutch the door handle and smile at him. Before slamming it shut I say to him, "Nothing will happen. They're not stupid to harm me in the broad daylight."

They always stab in the back. Cowards!

It's burning hot outside. Not only humans can be freaky and unpredictable, apparently the weather can be tenacious too. Wasn't it raining too heavily yesterday? Why is it so hot this afternoon? Or is it just my body temperature acting up again?

I puff some air.

When I turn around for the last time before heading toward the Kingston House main doors, I see the Lexus moving. Bill pulls it toward the parking lot and I know he's worried. Should I be worried, too? But for what? A languid frown flits on my face as I continue walking.

But before I reach the entrance I suddenly hear. "Mia Kingston?"

I whirl around and a man in black clothes hurls toward me swiftly as if he's hugging me. I fail to grasp anything when he holds me still against his chest and presses something stern on my neck that sends a sharp sting like an electric shock. I yelp a stout moan and darkness engulfs me.


Chilly air hits my skin as I try to open my eyes. A hazy sensation in the head makes it difficult for my body to shift. Up and down I feel myself moving on a ride—probably over a road bump—and eventually I manage to gather the light in my eyes as I wake.

What the fuck! Did I pass out? Where am I? I freak out as I try to move to no avail. I see a rope around my upper body, securing my arms and chest in not-so tight restraints. Panic courses through me and horror fills my eyes. Am I kidnapped? On no!

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