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My crafty gaze settles down on Elena

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My crafty gaze settles down on Elena. I smirk. Perhaps I should open my own salon so that I don't have to meet the women my husband has fucked before. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised at all that the two of us aren't the only ones here.

"Oh my goodness! I forgot to mention, Elena is here," Piper chirps in, pretending to feel guilty about it.

Fox! They're good friends so obviously she knew about this.

I just smile and say, "No problem, darling. I can wait until it's my turn, because I've got the whole day for this and nothing's gonna ruin it. In the meantime, I need my nails done."

"Of course, honey. At your service," Piper replies. "Alex! What are you waiting for?" she calls, and a funny fact is that most of her employees are men.

Searching for my friends, I see Kenna on the sofa, reading a magazine, and Anne is already onto hairdressing.

"You're very sneaky. I thought you'd be six feet under by now," Elena remarks in that sweet and smooth voice of hers that's deceivingly polite.

I take a step back and look at her now uplifted face. Her black bob hair compliments her pale skin and that pair of sly hazel eyes. I can still detect a number of Botox at every fading line of age I last saw on her face, but now she looks younger.

Honestly, this old bitch is not ugly. And I guess I have a problem of seeing beauty in every woman—one of the essences of being a good fashion designer according to my first mentor, a local designer I worked with in her couture about ten years ago.

"Did you expect me to be dead, Elena?" I ask coolly, and the whole salon is silent except for the song playing in the background.

We always make a scene when we meet, and damn I love pissing her off. It's probably one of my hobbies since she can't seem to accept that legally I'm the only Mrs. Kingston.

"Mmm, not my words. You've been trending lately—one blow after the other—so I guess everyone thought you'd be dead by now. Am I wrong?" she asks loudly for everyone to hear, and in my peripheral vision I see Kenna putting her magazine aside, frowning.

I hold myself together.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. It would take more than that to kill the wild cat. As you can see, I'm ready to crawl on your face, bitch. Arghhh!" I roar, using my fingers to scare her.

She winces back with terrified eyes and snaps, "Are you crazy?"

Everyone laughs.

Laughing along, I lean over and whisper into Elena's ear, "If you had anything to do with it, brace yourself. I pay double."

"You're out of your damn mind! I don't know what you're talking about!" She grits her teeth, her face puffed with anger and suddenly her ashen skin turns pinkish.

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