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Reckless. Fuck, Mia, you could've done better! My subconscious yells at me, her voice angered and displeased as my husband devours my lips as though I'm the last dessert left on the table.

"Patr—" I try to move but he is so adamant, clutching me steady with his strong arms around my back and neck. "Patrick—" With every pinch of strength left in my body, I push myself out of his grip, catching my breath heavily as we part.

"What?" Patrick demands, his chest thumping up and down, stirred, eyes dark with lasciviousness and unrestrained desire.

He looks devoid of his need—the need to hold me, kiss me, and take me deeply into his possession.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't do this again." I bolt out of the study, my heart trotting rapidly with consistent fear and worries.

What have I done? I feel dirty, both mindfully and physically after kissing him. Getting involved with two men at the same time has never been my cup of coffee, and right now I'm being someone I never aspired to be.

I can't go back to being the loving Mrs. Kingston, who literally worshiped her husband with all the love, care, and utter honesty. It's over! That passion and tenderness is now ashes of destruction.

Now I believe we're broken beyond repair. He killed what we had, and I gave it a fancy burial by getting sexually involved with my bodyguard. There's nothing left for us and I'm praying that he'll soon realize this.

On other hand, the man I'm busy trying to save and understand at the same time, is nothing but a big fat mystery that runs me amok. Whatever Red was doing in the study is nothing good—I know it.

"Mia!" Patrick snaps behind me.

"Don't follow me!" I bark, making a scene in the hallway like an amateur wife I used to be in the first few years of our marriage.

Patrick catches me right outside the door to our bedroom and holds me still. My back crashes against his chest. The shrill runs down my spine, and my breath feels deficit at his tight hug from behind.

"Why, Mia? You don't know how much I waited to at least taste your lips again." He pants.

"Well, I thought I did, too, but no! All I could think of was the number of women you've kissed while we're married, and the picture of you and Elena fucking in your office!" I recoil, partly being honest with him.

But frankly, all I could think of was the reason why Red was hiding behind the door. What was he up to in there?

"Haven't you punished me enough, Mia? What else do you want me to do? Fuck, what else can I do to make you believe that I'm no longer that foolish man? What do you want me to say for you to believe that I want nothing but to have my wife back everyday and night?" He sounds desperate, forlornly kissing my shoulder, needing me.

I shut my eyes, conflicted. I don't know anything about Patrick and his cries to be understood, but I do know the stench of betrayal that lurks around me all the time, and now from someone I trust with my life.

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