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When I open the door, it's Leslie that I see

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When I open the door, it's Leslie that I see. She gives me a startled kind of smile, which makes me frown a little, until I realize that someone is with her—thanks to the perfume I recognize. Leslie steps aside and my face falls in surprise, nonetheless.

"Good morning, butterfly." The voice stirs my heartbeat.

What is Patrick doing here so early in the morning? I swallow tightly, my eyes wide on him.

"Morning," I reply softly, holding the door still.

Patrick's silver eyes turn a bit apprehensive, a gleam of confusion darkening them. Oh no! I need to look confident despite the savvy running inside me considering the fact that Red is inside my office, and what we were doing just a moment ago.

"You look . . . strange. Everything okay?" Patrick inquires.

I suck in a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm surprised you're here, that's all."

"Aren't you going to let me in? I wanted to see you badly, and maybe have breakfast with you." Patrick's intense gaze doesn't leave any scruple. He's totally into me right now. I feel like I'm being trapped, his tone quite ambiguous.

"Um, should I bring something to drink, ma'am?" Leslie asks.

"No. My husband is taking me out for breakfast, I suppose," I reply with a perfect smile. "Right, honey?" I face Patrick, who gives me a satisfied smile.

"Okay, enjoy your breakfast." Dressed in boyfriend jeans and a cropped sweater, Leslie strides away smoothly.

"Shall we? I was starving anyway." I step outside and shut the door.

"Um, just like that?" Patrick squints his eyes, finding me strange indeed. I believe. "I thought we'd talk a little before—"

"Patrick, it's working hours. I have plenty to do and you know I don't always do breakfast. We can talk in the restaurant; I don't have much time to spare," I retort, my tone sharp and precise. "Shall we?" I beseech.

"Whatever you say, butterfly." Patrick shrugs, seemingly satisfied with my decision.

Patrick turns around and I find my breath of respite. I follow suit, thanking heavens that his timing wasn't too perfect. What if he appeared the moment I was moaning Red's name while feeling his indecent tongue buried into my womanhood?

My eyes are focused on my immaculately dressed husband, the sight of his imperious aura calling everyone's attention as we walk toward the elevator that has just dropped some employees off. He looks dashing in his navy suit, smart and classy, emanating nothing but power and authority.

"Good morning," the collective voices of five employees of MK greet us.

"Morning." I give them a small smile as Patrick and I slide into the elevator.

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