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Kenna appears as soon as I swing the door open

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Kenna appears as soon as I swing the door open. Leslie is with her, and together they look a bit dismayed until they fully comprehend that I'm alive standing right in front of them.

"Are you okay?" asks Kenna, her usually vindictive eyes calm and worried.

"Yeah, I'm good," I reply skeptically, gliding my glance between her and Leslie. "Why do you all look like you were about to break this door or something?"

"We thought something happened to you," Leslie answers.

"Nothing happened. Come in, Kenna," I utter and widen the door. And to Leslie I say, "I'll just have my lunch out, and it won't take long until I sign out. Anything that needs my attention?"

"Um, no," Leslie replies.

"Good. Then call me if something happens."

"Okay." Leslie nods. "Do you need anything, Miss Kenna?"

"Me? Nah, I'm good. Thanks," Kenna answers, and at the same time Red appears right behind me.

Both Kenna and Leslie seem puzzled, their eyes frozen with wonder. I maintain my composure by glancing at Red with a perfect indifference.

"Thank you," I tell him, my gratitude more deeper than it sounds.

I know he understands as he nods curtly.

"You're welcome. I left your suitcase with Bill in the car; call me if you need anything," Red utters.

I bob my head softly. Red stares at Kenna and she at him, no word spoken by both. I feel the tension in the air, and I know how Kenna's mind works and the kind of questions running in her head right now.

I clear my throat, eyes on Red. "She's my friend. Kenna." I glance at Kenna and add, "He's my bodyguard."

He's still my bodyguard, right?

"Oh, you're the famous bodyguard?" Kenna's eyes flash up with glee as she strides toward Red. "What a pleasure to finally see you close." She flings her hand for Red to . . . kiss it?

My eyes frost, and my eyebrows crinkle in partial displeasure. No, this is not okay. I can't allow my friend to see my babydaddy the way she sees him right now.

Red obliges to her gesture, and the frown on my face deepens in a heartbeat.

"Red," he says quietly after laying his lips on Kenna's knuckles.

"Red? What a badass name!" Kenna muses, but it's hard to tell whether she's fooling around or not.

"Well . . . I'll leave you two alone," Red says dismissively, his manners intact.

"Sure." Kenna smiles amiably.

Red walks past her, then me, before whispering in my ear, "Later. Don't skip lunch or I'll be furious."

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