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I put on Red's T-shirt and climb back on the bed

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I put on Red's T-shirt and climb back on the bed. But even before I lay down my phone buzzes on the nightstand. A begrudging frown kisses my face as I put my feet down, sitting straight while grabbing the flashing mobile.

It's Kenna. Relief washes over me.

I clear my throat and say, "Hey."

"Hey, Mamacita. I kinda feel like the most horrible bitch of a friend for ditching you since I had the amazing lunch at your place. How are you?" Kenna rumbles.

I smile feebly. If she only knew the number of mishaps that have happened since that one eventful afternoon.

"I'm fine. If I exclude the part where I am no longer at my husband's house, then I'm totally fine," I reply with intended sarcasm.

"What do you mean by that? You left Patrick?" Kenna asks, and her voice is a clear picture of her surprised face. "Mia, tell me you didn't choose that road? You didn't—"

"He's been fucking Anne all this time," I spill out without batting an eye. A loud gasp fills my ear. "I caught them, Kenna. It's not a told story from anyone because I saw it with my own fucking eyes. On the very same day you left me outside, they were inside pleasing each other. I caught them red-handed."

"Shut up!" Kenna gasps again. "You don't mean that very same Anne we know, do you? It can't be, Mia!"

A tiny laugh accompanies that horrible feeling of being the most blind person who's been taken for a fool for God-knows how long. How could that spineless bitch look me in the eyes and even work with me almost everyday? She will pay.

"Well, she's the one, Kenna. The very same one," I say with a sigh.

I fix a pillow and lean onto it.

"Okay," Kenna breathes. "I'm going to murder her!" she suddenly snaps.

I burst out laughing. How I'd love to do that myself! But no, death would be too quick of a punishment for her. She needs to suffer.

"Don't worry, I have a better plan for her," I say quietly, thinking of what's going to happen tomorrow. "For now I just want to sleep and figure out where I'm going to stay from now on. Can you recommend a good realtor? I need an apartment as soon as possible."

"Of course, I can. I'm still at my parent's house but I'll be in Portland tomorrow," Kenna says.

"You went to Maine?" I smile nostalgically, wishing my mom was also a little distance away from here.

"Yeah, some family drama," she murmurs. "Anyways, why don't you stay with me in the meantime? You know I live alone now and I hate it, honestly speaking!" Kenna offers, but I don't know what to say. "Come on, Mamacita, you don't need to rush yourself because I feel like you need a little time to adjust with everything!"

"Um, I don't want to be a burden to you, Kenna. I'm sure I'll find—"

"You're never a burden to me! What are friends for even if they can't have your back when you need them? You were with me when Christian and I had issues so it's my turn now," Kenna insists. "I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning. We'll talk more."

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