Defenceless (Larry)

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Harrys PoV:

Me, Niall, Louis and Liam were sat in our house together.

It's been a busy week with all the shows, meet and greets and just everything in general.

"Li can we go grab some ice-cream?" Niall asked his boyfriend.

Liam nods and the two walked away.

Leaving me, Louis and our anger alone.

Then he started to speak.

"Why do you drink so much?"

"Because this job stresses me out!" I yell.

"Harry don't you dare yell at me. We're supposed to be here for one another-I've got a call I'll be back." Louis said and left the room.

This is why I get drunk.

He never has time for me.

If he does it's always spent arguing.

So I grab my phone and money then run to the nearest pub.

And I got wasted.

"Hey Liam?" I drunkenly ask.

"Yes Harry?"

"Can you pick me up?"

"Sure. Are you drunk?"

"Yeahhhh." I slur drunkenly.

"Alright." Liam hung up and I stuff my phone into my pocket.


Anyway, soon Liam picked me up.

We head back to our apartment and I went straight to the bathroom.

"Love? Is everything alright?"

Shit. Try to act non drunk.

"Y-Yeah I'm totally fine." And I just fucked it up.

"Okay then. I'm going to bed."

"Okay" I brush my teeth and shower then run to Louis.

"You smell like beer Harry. Are you drunk?!"


"Why! You promised!" he yelled.

Liam sleepily walked over.

"Shut up! Both of you. Niall is in the room shaking like a leaf and bawling his eyes out cause of you two can't spend two hours together without an argument. Oh and by the way, me and Niall are getting our own apartment on the floor below." Liam spat and walked to his room.

I sigh.

"You are always busy. We're never seeing one another. I miss you. I really do."

"Me too. But you're sleeping on the sofa tonight." Louis whispered as he pulled me into a hug.

"I know..."

"Love. You have to stop drinking your problems away. Promise me you'll stop?"

"I can't promise... But I'll try for you and for our little bean." I whisper as I place my hand on Louis' baby bump.

Oh yeah I forgot to say that me and Louis are married and having a baby soon.

"Okay. Actually come to bed. We'll talk tomorrow." Louis whispered and pulled me to our room.

We changed into some large t-shirts and shorts, cuddled up and fell asleep together.

I'm incredibly lucky to be with Louis Tomlinson.

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