Baby News! (Niam)

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3rd Person PoV:

Niall stood up with a smile across his face.

He was about to announce to the three other males in the band he was 3 months pregnant with Liam's baby.

"Love are you sure you want to do this? I mean what if they say something?" Liam panicked.

"I'm sure they won't Liam. We've known them for about four years. Now five years. I'm sure they won't be mean." Liam nods at his boyfriend's answer.

He held his hand as they walked into the main room of their shared hotel room.

"Hey lads." Niall announced.

"Hey Nialler. What's the important news and information?"

"Well you see..." Niall began.

"Boys you have a meet & greet downstairs now!" Sydney shouted as she rushed in throwing shirts and jeans at them.

"And Niall here's your requested clothes. Liam help him get changed. We can't hurt him." She said with a sigh.

Liam nods as she walked out leaving the three males in confusion.

"Li I'm hungry as well. Can I have something to eat in a minute?" Niall asked.

Liam nods and smiles.

"We'll grab something on the way."

"I don't understand. Niall literally just ate like 30 minutes ago." Zayn questioned as Niall's eyes began to tear up.

"I'm sorry." Niall whispered.

"Niall don't leave." Liam begged as Niall shoved the black box into Liam's chest and rushed off to the bedroom.

"Look. I don't want to ruin our friendships. But this is important." Liam began as the four sat down.

"What's going on?"

"Me and Niall are dating and have been for about 4 years. He's found out he's 3 months pregnant and is over the moon about it. He was panicking about how he wanted to tell you guys but was scared if you would all hate him." Liam explained.

"That explains the morning sickness and food cravings..." Louis said ending with a whisper.

"Oh my..." Zayn began.

"CHILD I'M SORRY!" Zayn screamed as he ran to Liam and Niall's shared room.

"So I'm guessing the management know?" Liam nods.

"Okay. Let's get ready and head down." Harry spoke up.

They all nod and got ready.

Liam found Niall asleep and Zayn sat trying to wake Niall up.

"Thanks Zayn. Go get ready I'll wake him up." Zayn nods and walked off.

"Mr Horan get up." Liam ordered.


"Come on love. Let's get you ready." He nods and about 5 minutes later Niall was changed and they were heading to the meet & greet as he ate a piece of fruit he chose.

"Happy?" Liam whispered as he held his boyfriend's hand.

"Indeed love." Niall whispered.

And that was the moment that highlighted the tour for the boys. Of course 5 months later Niall gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Her name was Isabella Maura Payne.

As Liam also proposed to Niall on stage.

The boys couldn't be happier for the newly engaged couple and their baby girl.

"Niall you know I love you?" Liam innocently asked.

"What is it Mr Payne?"

"Can we have another baby?"

"Maybe, love."

"At least it isn't a no."

"It will be if you keep poking me." Niall said with a laugh causing Liam to remove his hand incredibly quick.

"I love you and Isabella."

"We love you too."

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