Love Poem - (Niam)

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"Niall, you do stare at him." Harry sighed and handed the Irish lad a cup of coffee.

"I do not! He's just in my sight." Niall protested.

"Just admit it already, you like him."

"Okay maybe I do.. but shut up." Niall muttered.

"Finally! Oh my god... anyway, he's going to help you teach History after break so just calm down."

"Calm down? Harry, me calm down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down!" Niall rushed. Harry eye rolled and pinched his arm.

"Ow." Niall frowned. Harry sent him a small smile before Liam wandered in.

"Hi lads, have any of you seen Tommo? It's his birthday in a two weeks, I got him something before I forgot."

"Which one?" Niall asked.


"He should be by the printer. He's wearing this ridiculous pink tracksuit. Hard to miss, he looks like a raw fish." Harry spat. Couple arguments.

"Cheers, I'll tell him you said that." Liam chuckled and left.

"I need to get to my classroom." Harry nodded and Niall grabbed his stuff and rushed off. He shut the classroom door and sighed. He couldn't confess anything to Liam nor his other friends.

Especially cause they work together. That would make everything awkward, uncomfortable and just horrid.

Niall began to set everything up. Placing task sheets on student's desks, putting the powerpoint on the board and handing books out. Ready for 9am. A knock on the door dragged his attention.

"Come in." He called. Liam came in and shut the door.

"Morning Niall."

"Morning Liam." Liam walked over and sat opposite him.

"You see, I need some help."

"With?" Niall asked. Liam sighed.

"I might fancy one guy.. I didn't know I was gay. And he's perfect, Niall. How do I tell him?" Liam smiled. Niall just looked at the floor before bringing himself to look at him in the face.

"Oh... Well that's good. Who's the lucky guy?" Niall asked. Liam's cheeks went a dusty pink and he shook his head.

"Doesn't matter."

"You sure?" Niall asked. Liam nodded and got up.

"I better get going to teach." Niall nodded and watched Liam making his way to the door. He left; accidentally leaving a folded bit of paper behind. Niall noticed and rushed picked it up.

"Liam wait you dropped something!" Niall called. No reply. Liam was already down the hallway, unable to hear. Niall sighed and put the note in a little pot. Strange.

Niall kept glancing to the pot and decided to have a sneaky peak. The crumpled bit of paper had a somewhat loveable feel to it.

No words can describe my love for you
Those beautiful blue eyes shine in the light
Your smile is bright, each day is new..

Clearly unfinished yet beautiful. Niall frowned and shoved it back into an odd ball before dropping it into the pot. Liam must like Evan from the sports department or Carl from the Science department. They do have a lot of chemistry. Liam came in and sat beside him.

"Hey, so I was thinking. Would red or pink be a nicer colour for decoration?"

"Oh uh.." Niall thought for a second before continuing, "Red is a beautiful colour. Like, red roses, red ribbons.. just anything red. Gorgeous." Liam nodded with a smile.

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