1D fight With Little Mix (Niam)

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Niall's PoV:

I was walking down the corridor to find my fiancé Liam Payne but I bumped into someone.

“Oh I'm so sorry.” I spoke.

“Oh it's you.” A girl said.

I opened my eyes to see Jesy, Jade, Perrie and Leigh-Anne stood in front of me.

“E-Excuse me.” I whisper.

They shoved me for a bit then let me pass.

Well they didn't just shove me.

They threw me against the wall and threw me onto the floor.

“Babe where are yo- OH MY GOD!” Liam yelled.

“Who did this?”


“Niall James Horan. I have been dating you for an entire 5 years. What's wrong?”

“The girls in little mix hurt me.” I whisper.

He looks mad.

He shouted for Louis, Harry and Zayn.

They rushed over.

Liam explained to the others and they also got mad.

I simply followed in fear.

We were stood outside the girls changing room.

Louis knocked and we waited for someone to answer.

Jesy answered.


“You fucking hurt my fiancé.”

“Oh did we?” Perrie said.

“Yes. I can't believe you'd hurt someone so innocent.”

“Is he? Last time I checked he was having sex with Jade.”

“I did not! You're lying!”

“Are we?”

“Yes! Stop it! Please... P-please...”

“You fucking hurt him and I'll do something I don't want to.” Liam threatened.

Just then Zayn came over.

“There's security footage of the girls shoving Niall.” He said.

We all followed him.

The girls in anger.

We saw the footage and the girls got angrier.

“THAT IS ENOUGH!” Someone yelled.

Paul walked over.

“You all have to grow up. Girls apologise. Boys apologise. Now. One Direction you're on. Little Mix you need to go to the meet and greet.”

We all nod and apologise.

Once we leftI, We heard the girls laughing and making fun of the other boys for protecting me.

It was not the best.

They called me a few horrible and nasty names.

But I tried not to take any notice of them.

“Niall you are beautiful and I hope you realise that. I love you. I will always love you.” Liam whispered.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you LiLi. Let's go perform.” He nods and we all rushed out onto the stage.

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