Passing Part One - (Nouis As Friends)

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Requested By: that_1_toad_frog

7th December was a day from hell, the worst pain in his life. Louis receiving the call that nobody wishes to receive, 'I'm so sorry to inform you Mr Tomlinson, your mother Johannah has sadly passed away'

It had been a hard few months for Louis, and the rest of the family. They were struggling to get by, but Louis just couldn't pick himself back up again. His mother was his world. Johannah had believed in him, held his hand when he needed it. She was his biggest fan, watching him tour the world with his new best friends. 


Hours felt like days, Louis had been a mess. It had been three months since Johannah's passing. His ex bandmates came to check on him every now and then. Well, two of them. Harry was busy touring the world and Zayn went no contact. Louis didn't mind though, he was proud of Harry. He was selling out stadiums. He was also proud of Zayn, even though they hadn't talked in a while. He had gone solo a while back but the boys were still proud of him. All four of them were proud of him. 

A message popped up on his phone. 

1 new message. 

Louis looked confused, tapping on the notification to read. 

Hey Louis, how are you doing? I know we haven't talked in a while but I just wanted to check up on you, see how you were doing. Anyway, I was just wondering, do you want to come over for dinner at my place?

Don't have to of course, thought it would be nice to catch up

Louis smiled a little. Niall was the sweetest person he had ever met. He's got a big heart, it's in the right place. He's so caring, giving. Maura did well raising him. Louis would always thank her for raising such a kind son. She would often smile, replying with the same sentence 'Your mother should be very proud of how kind you are Louis'. Maura was that type of person to be a mother towards everyone. You had a bad day? She would sit there and listen to your problems, offering hugs for comfort. You wanted someone to be proud of you? She would cheer your name and watch with a grin on her face. The band saw each other's families as their own. It was something that happened, after spending years together. They were all under 19 years old, flown across the world. So they became almost like a massive family. 

Sure, what time?

7 pm

Great, I'll be there :)

Louis smiled, putting his phone down gently. He wouldn't lie, he had always seen Niall as a little brother. He would feel the need to protect him from anything bad. And in a way, he felt that Niall saw him as an older brother. 


Louis knocked three times, taking a step back from the giant door. It squeaked open, revealing Niall in a buttoned shirt and a pair of dress trousers. He always dressed smartly, no matter what. 

"Evening Louis." He smiled. Louis went to shake his hand but was bought in for a hug. 

"Evening Niall." He replied. The pair pulled apart, smiles on their faces. A true smile. Louis felt proud, Niall bought out the best of everyone. Including the true smile he never knew he could quite show. Ever since his mother's passing, Louis had a hard time accepting and moving on. In fact, he wasn't sure he could move on. But then something reassured him. He didn't believe in ghosts or that. But he knew his mother was with him, watching over him. Protecting him more than ever. 

"I'm so glad you're here Louis. Really." Niall smiled. 

"Thank you for inviting me Niall, it's nice to properly chat, you know?" Louis said. Niall nodded, letting the older lad step inside. The door shut, allowing room for Louis to place his coat on a hook and his shoes on the rack. 

"Follow me, we can grab a drink from the kitchen. Oh, I should let you know. My mum is here, she's at the kitchen island. She'll be pleased to see you." Niall smiled, leading Louis towards the kitchen. Louis felt a smile form softly. 

"Evening Louis." Maura smiled, standing up from her position at the island. He walked over and was welcomed into a hug which he didn't hesitate to return. 

"Evening Maura, how are you?" Louis asked. 

"I'm great, thank you Louis. How are you doing?" She replied. The pair sat back down again, a sigh escaping Louis' mouth. 

"I'm doing better, but still not great." He admitted. Niall frowned, placing a mug of coffee in front of him. Maura placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"I know, it can be quite tough to get through. But you've got us Louis, all of us. For however long you need us." Maura said. Louis nodded. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bought this up. It's supposed to be a nice evening." Louis stated. Niall shook his head a little, sitting opposite him. 

"Louis, I asked you to come here because we haven't seen you smile in months. It's hard, I know I don't understand, but you're going to get through this. Like mum said, you've got us. Even if you don't need us, we're here for you." Niall answered. Louis was too stunned to say a word. He knew the lad was caring, but this caring? Offering his family to help him through? Louis couldn't say a bad thing about Niall, he would always give. Even if he had nothing left, he would still try. 

"Louis, no matter what. You're not alone, yeah? You've got your siblings. You've got us." Niall said. Louis smiled softly; wiping a stray tear. 

"Thank you... Really. It means a lot to me, you're so lovely Niall. You've welcomed me in with open arms Maura, I can't thank you enough." Louis sniffled. Maura wrapped him in a hug. 

"Don't think like that Louis, you deserved to smile and face the day with excitement. The world can be cruel, but it will be nicer the more people you have to walk beside you." Maura reasoned. She gave a warm smile to Louis who returned it. 

"Thank you, you both. Really. It means a lot to me." Louis thanked. Maura and Niall both gave a warm smile in return. 

"You're more than welcome Louis." Maura replied.

(-End of Part One-)

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