Liam Gets Into A Fight (Niam)

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Niall's PoV:

I've been sat waiting for Liam for the past 7 hours. It's now currently 2 in the morning and Liam still isn't home.

My husband is never this late.

I decided to call him to see where he was.

"LiLi please answer." I whisper.

Then it went to his voice mail.

"Hey It's Liam. Please leave a message and I shall try getting back to you as soon as possible."

I hung up and started to cry.

What if something terrible has happened to Liam?

Like what if someone murdered him?

Okay I need to calm down. I think he'll be okay.

Then my phone began to ring.

It was the hospital.


"Hello Mr Horan. I'm so sorry if I have woken you up. We have your husband Liam Horan? He's been in a serious accident and I suggest you should visit him." That's when the tears begin to fall. I tried to keep calm for Liam's sake.

"Okay thank you so much. I'll be right over. Is he okay?"

"Of course. We'll see you soon."

And then the person hung up.

I just fell to my knees crying.

My baby was in hospital.

I stop the tears and got changed into blue jeans, Liam's white shirt and black shoes.

I put one of Liam's black jackets on, grabbed my keys and my phone then rushed to the car.

Once I had parked I rushed to the visitor desk.

"Hello sir how may I help?"

"I'm here for Liam Horan?"

"Okay. He's in room 421. Please don't be alarmed at the sight. We have everything under control." I felt fear run through me.

I thank the nurse and ran up the 4 flights of stairs to find Liam.

Once I reached the room, I took a deep breath and walked in.

My knees almost gave way at the sight.

Liam was in the bed. Tubes, machines and bandages around his body.

His leg in a cast and a machine to help him breath.

"Li... What happened?" I whisper.

Just then Louis, Harry, Zayn, Nicola, Ruth, Gemma, Greg and a nurse walked in.

"I see you are all visiting Mr Horan?" He says pointing to Liam.

We all nod.

"W-What happened?" I whisper.

"Apparently he was in a fight with about 4 people. One of them was armed and the other three weren't. They were all arrested. Liam here was injured seriously and it will take time to heal. Then we were also told by a witness that he got hit by one of the people's cars."

Just then Karen ran in with Geoff.

"MY BABY!" Karen screamed in tears.

Geoff hugged her trying to help her calm down.

"Mr Horan may we speak outside?" The nurse asked me. I nod and we head outside.

"Liam's in a very serious and critical condition. We are trying everything to help him. There is a 3% he could sadly not make it but we are making sure everything is going correctly." I felt tears fall.

Not only was Liam hit by a car and hurt by 4 people, but he's also got a chance he could die!?

"B-But he will make it won't he?"

"Of course. But we can't promise anything until he shows positive signs." I nod and the nurse left.

I walked in and tried to stay quiet.

"Guys can we talk for a moment?" Everyone went quiet and nod. I sit down next to Liam and grabbed his hand.

"There's a 3% he could die. The nurse said they are doing everything they can to save him. Let's just be here for everyone. This is hard for me as it is hard for you guys. We all love Liam in our own ways. If there's one thing I wish to tell Liam right now is that I love everything about him. And that he needs to keep fighting until there's no options. I just want him to be okay." I say. I begin to cry again and couldn't help but feel useless.

"Niall don't cry. Let's go for a walk." Greg said. I nod and kissed liam's forehead.

"I'll be back soon baby. Don't you dare leave me." I whisper.

I got up and walked out with Greg.

"I can't believe we might lose him. I love him Greg. I just want him to be okay." He nods and hugged me.

"It's gonna be okay. Trust me."

"But how do you know." As if on cue, nurses rushed into the room and everyone rushed out.

"HE'S AWAKE!" Louis yelled.

I smiled in tears and rushed into the room.

The nurses removed the equipment and helped him sit up.



"Oh my god. You're awake. You're okay."

"Of course love. I could hear everyone when you were all speaking. And I wanted to stay here for you. I love you." I kissed his forehead and hugged him.

"I love you so fucking much and I am so glad you made it."

"I love you too and I'm glad I made it." He whispered.

Everyone came and said hello then went home.

I stayed the night just talking to Liam and holding him close.

I am so lucky he is okay.

I don't know how I would live without him.

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