Interview (Niam)

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3rd Person PoV:

Niall and Liam were cuddled in bed on a Saturday morning with their baby daughter Paris between them. Bear was watching tv on the bottom of the bed.

"Bear, honey, can you please turn that down?" Niall whispered sleepily. Bear pouted and looked at his two dads.

"But pa I likes this." He slurred with his paci in.

"Bear. Pa said turn it down. So please turn it down." Liam said sternly. Bear huffed and turned the tv down in a strop.

"My tummy looks big still." Niall said with a pout. Liam's hand took Niall's and he kissed it gently.

"You've had our baby Niall. Our baby girl. I love you so so much." Liam said. Niall smiled a little and kissed his husband which he returned.

"I have to go to my interview now baby. I'll be back straight after okay?"

"Okay." Niall said with a smile. Liam kissed the top of Paris and Bear's heads then got ready.

"Bye daddy!" Bear shouted and waved at his dad. Liam waved back and soon left to the interview.

Niall, Bear and Paris were in the living room and the interview Liam was on came on.

"Daddy!" Bear yelled and pointed to the screen. Niall smiled and sat Paris on the floor with her baby toys.

"Da!" She squealed. Niall clapped and smiled.

"Yep that's your daddy."

Half way through the interview Liam was talking about home life.

"You know. I have a lovely family. I have a beautiful husband, my son and my three month old daughter. And I'm so so grateful for them. My wonderful husband bought our daughter into the world and my ex Cheryl bought my son into the world. They're amazing kids. And Niall. My wonderful husband. I love him with everything. If I could I would bring him on here but he's at home with the kids. So. Niall if you're watching I love you so, so much." Liam explained.

Niall had tears down his cheeks, Bear was giggling and Paris was rolling around and babbling. Liam soon came home and was greeted by a tight hug from his family.

"What's this for?" Liam asked as he hugged the children and Niall back.

"I love you so, so much too." Niall whispered and kissed Liam which he returned. The kids soon sat in the bedroom watching Disney films all day while Niall and Liam were discussing their lives in the living room.

"Can we have one more baby Li?" Niall asked as he looked at Liam.

"I'd love that." Liam said with a smile.

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