Love Is Different (Narry -> Niam)

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Niall's PoV:

I was sat with my boyfriend Harry.

A new jock Liam Payne joined school today.

It was your usual school day.

School is a constant hell.

Being bullied for being gay.

Being bullied for dating Harry Styles.

It's awful.

"Hey Nerd!" Dan shouted and threw a ball of paper at me.

I sigh and picked it up.

I've had enough of them.

"Oh is Horan gonna go cry!" he yelled loudly.

Everyone but Zayn, Louis, Liam and Harry laughed.

I threw the paper at Dan and rushed out the school.

I didn't care where I was as long as I could let the thoughts cloud around me.

I sat in a summer field and felt a hand touch my left shoulder.

I whip my head around to see Liam.

His cute smile forced my thoughts to roll away like fog.

He sat next to me.

"It's my first day and I feel like I've known you longer than 4 hours." He mumbled.

I smile and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Welcome to the school." I mumble.

He smiled and i felt sleep overtake me.

I woke up at a strange house.

Not mine.

Not Harry's.

Not Louis'.

Not Zayn's.

I sat up and saw Liam walk into the room.

"Hey Niall. You were asleep and your boyfriend went with Louis."

I scoff and sit up.

"You okay?" Liam questioned and sat next to me.

I nod and cuddled into Liam.

I got a call from Harry and answered it.

"Morning gorgeous. Where are you?"

"Why do you care? You went with Louis."


"No. We're over Harry you both love each other." I cut Harry off.

I saw Liam smile with hope as I hung up.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nod and leaned in.

Our lips inches apart.

He leaned in too and we were kissing.

It was heaven.


Meant to be.

"That was perfect." He whispered out of breathe.

"I-I know." I smiled.

"Niall Horan will you be my boyfriend?"

"Of course." I squeak and kiss him again.

A few months later at prom:

Me, Liam, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Gigi were at prom.

"You look absoloutely stunning." Liam whispered to me.

"T-Thank you." I whispered.

Obviously blushing.

And with that, mine and Liam's future together grew.

We shared great and not so happy memories together.

But I wouldn't want to share them with anyone else.

Liam Payne is the one I love.

And the only one I will love.

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