Crutches - (Niam)

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A/N: Hope you enjoy that_1_toad_frog

3rd Person PoV:

Niall Horan a 18 year old boy who has crutches.

His boyfriend of a year Liam Payne who is also 18 helps him.

"Niall remember what the doctor said. Take it easy." Currently Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry and Zayn had a meeting and needed to get there as quickly as possible.

Of course people accepted them.

Even the manager accepted them.

Niall was trying to walk without crutches but Liam always made him use them.

"Niall James Horan if you do not stop forcing yourself to walk without these crutches I will not kiss you for a week." Niall stopped and pouted.

"Fine. I'll use them." Liam smiled.

Niall and Liam finally made their way to the interview.

"Sorry we're late." Liam announced.

The interviewer stuck his foot out in front of Niall causing him to trip up.

"Niall!" Liam cried as he rushed over to his now crying boyfriend.

"Shh love it's alright. It's gonna be okay." Niall's hands slipped out the crutches and grabbed his knee in pain.

"I-It hurts LiLi..." Niall said through tears.

Liam picked him up and carried him out to the tour bus.

"Let's put some ice on it." Just as Liam placed an ice pack on it Paul rushed in.

"Let's take a look at your knee Niall. Incase you need to go to the hospital." Niall nods and Liam helped Niall pull his jeans down to reveal the swollen joint.

"Shit. Okay Liam put a pair of shorts on him. We'll have to get him to the hospital." Paul demanded. Just then Simon and some managers from Modest walked in.

"No. We can't let him go. We'll draw too much attention to ourselves."

"My boyfriends knee is swollen and we need it checker Simon." Liam spat.

"Shut up you freak. Nobody is leaving anywhere. Neil put ice on it and rest for a few hours." A manager said. Then they left.

Leaving Liam and Niall alone.

"I'm taking you myself then." Liam whispered.

Niall nods and stood up slightly.

Liam pulled his jeans up and carried the blonde outside.

They got a bus and rushed to the hospital as fast as possible.

They got checked in and Niall's knee x-rayed.

Turns out there was a small fracture due to the injury.

Niall underwent some surgery that could temporarily stop it until he was 'old enough'.

They were sat in the hospital room just digging softly to one another.

"Niall I'm so glad we met."

"Me too LiLi. I love you."

"I love you too." Liam whispered as he pecked the blondes lips and watched as he fell asleep peacefully.

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